target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # EUR152107724

Decoding Digital Twins and Analyzing Their Value for Utility Companies


  • Gaia Gallotti Loading
  • Gaurav Verma Loading


  • 22 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation analyzes how utilities from different subindustries and segments of the value chain are adopting digital twins. In particular, it explores drivers, challenges, adoption trends, business benefits, use cases, and technology capabilities for digital twins. It also provides real-life examples of digital twin implementations in utilities for asset optimization, maintenance, and planning purposes.

"Digital twins are a must for utility companies to continue to provide reliable and safe service to their power, gas, and water customers. As assets age, climate change worsens, and the energy transition picks up speed, utilities will need to invest in digital tools to mitigate risks, optimize operations, and make the most of their investments," said Gaia Gallotti, research director and head of IDC Energy Insights in EMEA.


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