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The advent of generative AI has democratized innovation, allowing businesses of all sizes to harness its power. We believe that the winners and losers for the next decade of this era of AI Everywhere will be defined in the next 12 months.

Our AI research is here to guide you through this unique market shift.

25% of businesses are already investing significantly in GenAI and have an established spending plan for the next 18 months.

By 2026, GenAI will assume 42% of traditional marketing’s mundane tasks such as SEO, content, and website optimization.

We predict that by 2027, 40% of current job roles will be redefined or eliminated across G2000 organizations.

By 2026, enterprises will leverage GenAI and automation technologies to drive $1T in productivity gains.

36% of companies fear that AI training on false or incorrect information is becoming a major data quality issue

Source: IDC FutureScapes, 2024

Six Stages Of Your AI Transformation Journey

Navigate the entire AI adoption journey with clarity. Explore our actionable guides covering every stage - from readiness assessment to responsible AI operationalization. Gain the insights to drive innovation and successful AI implementation by exploring the six stages below.

Understanding AI New to AI? Get started on your AI journey with exclusive insights from our global experts.

Top 10 Worldwide Digital Business 2024 Predictions Augmented by GenAI

We are in an AI revolution that will reshape the IT industry and the way businesses operate. Read IDC’s top 10 predictions for the years to come.

Top 10 Worldwide IT Industry 2024 Predictions: Mastering AI Everywhere

Ready to read more about the profound impact AI is poised to have on the technology landscape? Explore IDC's top 10 worldwide predictions.

Transform Your Business With Generative AI

GenAI is poised to transform the digital business world. But is your enterprise prepared? Our eBook will help you assess your readiness level.

Preparing for AI Eager to embark on your AI journey? Take the crucial steps to prepare your organization for successful AI implementation.

Are You Ready For AI Everywhere?

GenAI is poised to transform the digital business world. But is your enterprise prepared? Our eBook will help you assess your readiness level.

How Does Your AI Experience Ecosystem Stack Up?

Evolve beyond isolated experience strategies and adopt an AI-driven intelligent experience orchestration mindset.

Exploring AI Use Cases Prepared to dive deeper? Discover powerful AI use cases tailored to your department and business needs.

Moving The Needle: GenAI Use Cases Across Industries

AI use cases tailored to industry and business objectives can drive tangible value. Download our eBook to explore types of use cases and their practical applications.

AI Use Cases With Impact? Only With Deep Sector Expertise

As ChatGPT, Claude & Gemini rise, businesses race to unlock GenAI's power. Discover the critical prerequisites for transformation in our blog.

Transform Your Business With AI-Powered Solutions

Discover how generative AI is revolutionizing enterprises by driving efficiency, innovation, and growth.

Maximizing Your AI Investment Ready to put AI into action? Gain tactics to effectively deploy and integrate AI into your operations.

AI For Business: A Build vs Buy Perspective

Unlocking the true potential of artificial intelligence is a strategic imperative. This eBook is your roadmap to establishing AI mastery and translating data assets into tangible business value.

Four Considerations For AI-Ready Infrastructure

Our workbook contains the most crucial considerations organizations must explore before making AI-Infrastructure decisions. Get your copy to get ready.

The Impact Of GenAI On Skills Training

Explore how technology leaders are using AI to close the gap of the widening IT skills shortage.

Skills, AI, And the Enterprise: Three Strategies For The Road Ahead

The time to plan for AI skills and roles is now. Read when and how to skill up employees for the age of AI

Mastering GenAI Engineering: Key Insights For Optimal Implementation

GenAI engineering ensures effective decisions on how you consume, create, and configure GenAI for desired outcomes.

Implementing Governance & Security Ready to implement responsible AI? Establish robust AI governance to ensure ethical, secure and compliant AI deployments across your organization.

AI-Ready Infrastructure: Public, Private… Or Both?

Regardless of your GenAI journey stage, infrastructure is crucial for meaningful gains. Download our eBook to learn how to choose between public AI, private AI, or a mix.

Data Security: What’s Old Is New Again

The benefits of GenAI are clear, but controlling its usage is a major adoption hurdle. Prioritize data security and privacy to ensure safe and effective GenAI applications.

AI Infrastructure Considerations

AI is crucial for automating efficiency, but it also consumes a lot of energy, which makes sustainability a very important consideration.

AI Data Security & Governance

Evolve beyond isolated experience strategies and adopt an AI-driven intelligent experience orchestration mindset.

Driving Customer Value Time to unlock AI's full potential for customers? Learn how to leverage AI capabilities for exceptional customer value.

Delivering Customer Value Through X-O Applications

Experience-Orchestrated Businesses create meaningful value exchanges by connecting internal and external stakeholders. Download our guide to transform your business with AI-enabled optimization and automation.

GenAI Marks A Shift To Intelligent Experience Orchestration

GenAI significantly impacts enterprises, delivering hyper-personalization and transforming customer experiences. Read our blog to leverage GenAI for intelligent experience orchestration.

Featured Webinars

Explore our latest webinars covering essential topics and strategies to enhance your GenAI knowledge and implementation. Join us to stay ahead in the world of AI.

Driving GenAI Value: Navigating the Build vs. Buy Decision

GenAI represents a significant shift in workloads, demanding fresh perspectives on how organizations approach these crucial decisions.

CEO Perspectives: Leading In The Age Of AI Everywhere

How do organizations accelerate their journey to deliver business value in the age of GenAI?

Unlocking Business Success With Generative AI

GenAI has the potential to transform entire industries. To gain a competitive edge, business leaders need to create a clear and compelling generative AI strategy today.

Unlocking Customer Value With Experience-Orchestrated GenAI Apps

The next phase of digital business transition towards AI Everywhere will focus on delivering quantifiable business impact

For Our Customers

We are excited to offer our subscription customers free access to selected GenAI research. Stay informed and ahead with exclusive insights and cutting-edge developments in the field of generative AI.

How to Access the IDC Executive Information Service (EIS)?

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  2. Click on Research and then Subscription Services

  3. Under Subscription Services search “Executive Information” and select the service from the list

  4. A series of GenAI signature reports will be appearing in the list as they become available

Want to learn more about Gen AI coverage at IDC? Contact Us .

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.

IDG Environmental Policy

International Data Group is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment. We are committed to environmental excellence, pollution prevention and to purchasing products that reduce the use of natural resources.

We fulfill this mission by a commitment to:

  • Encouraging all partners to share in our mission
  • Understanding environmental issues and sharing information with our partners
  • Recognizing that fiscal responsibility is essential to our environmental future
  • Instilling environmental responsibility as a corporate value
  • Developing innovative and flexible solutions to bring about change
  • Using our platforms and position in the IT industry to promote sustainability
  • Minimize air travel to help reduce our impact on the environment
  • Minimize use of materials and energy consumption in our offices
  • Create a working environment that efficiently uses our office space
  • Develop and maintain a hybrid working model that benefits both our employees and business partners
  • Encourage employees to measure, minimize and collaborate on reducing energy consumption at home and in the office
  • Engaging employees and promoting active participation in environmental and sustainability initiatives