Worldwide Quarterly Tracker Team

Loren Loverde

Program Vice President, Worldwide PC Tracker

Jay Chou

Research Manager, Worldwide Client Devices Tracker

Hirotoshi Asano

Senior Market Analyst, Consumer Devices, Data & Analytics, IDC Japan

Hoang Nguyen

Group Vice President, Worldwide Tracker Program

Sachin Kamgonda Birajdar

Senior Research Analyst

Lidice Fernandez

Group Vice President, Worldwide Enterprise Infrastructure Trackers and Americas Data & Analytics Team Lead

Avneesh Saxena

Group Vice President, Domain Research Group, IDC Asia/Pacific

Kuba Stolarski

Research Vice President, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Leon Kao

Senior Research Manager, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Natalya Yezhkova

Research Vice President, Enterprise and Emerging Workloads, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Anjney Bhardwaj

Senior Market Analyst

New Research

  • By: 

    • Leon Kao Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Peter Rutten Loading
    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation highlights the reasons why air-cooled approaches may not be a viable one-size-fits-all approach for modern datacenters. The proliferation of performance-intensive workloads leads to the adoption of power-hungry ...
  • By: 

    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Peter Rutten Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation — based on an IDC 4Q22 survey of IT organizations — highlights shifts in the adoption of computing platforms as datacenter infrastructure investments. An increased focus on performance (compressed time to insigh...
  • By: 

    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    This IDC Survey Spotlight provides heterogeneous computing trends that are influencing purchasing decisions. Specifically, server processor types used for running datacenter workloads today and in 24 months. IDC finds that AMD and Arm partn...
  • By: 

    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights that computing trends are influencing purchasing decisions, specifically, server form factor changes in their compute infrastructure. Organizations are looking for purpose-built edge servers to fulfill s...
  • By: 

    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    This IDC Survey Spotlight provides compute adoption trends and how they influence infrastructure purchasing decisions. Workload migration and modernization will drive investments in the coming year, leading to investments in newer accelerat...
  • By: 

    • Natalya Yezhkova Loading
    • Max Pepper Loading
    This IDC Survey highlights findings from a recent IDC survey on enterprise infrastructure workloads related to the characteristics of compute and storage infrastructure supporting various workloads. The survey was completed in November 2022...
  • By: 

    • Greg Macatee Loading
    • Natalya Yezhkova Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation provides an overview of enterprises' current server operating system environments (OSEs) in support of their workloads based on IDC's Enterprise Infrastructure Workloads Survey from November 2022. This IDC Marke...
  • By:  Kuba Stolarski Loading

    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation on the infrastructure needed to power the metaverse was presented as part of an educational webinar with the Open Compute Project in June 2022. This presentation gives an overview of IDC's take on what const...
  • By: 

    • Meredith Whalen Loading
    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Stephen Minton Loading
    • Natalya Yezhkova Loading
    • Frank Dickson Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation provides insights that IDC is sharing with executives at a number of enterprises, technology providers, and investment entities. Waves of interconnected economic, political, and social disruptions threaten to ba...
  • By: 

    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Matthew Eastwood Loading
    • Rohit Mehra Loading
    • Rajnish Arora
    • Chris Barnard Loading
    • Andrew Buss Loading
    • Brad Casemore
    • Jennifer Cooke Loading
    • Stephen Elliot Loading
    • Luis Fernandes Loading
    • Phil Goodwin Loading
    • Yukihisa Hode Loading
    • Jevin Jensen Loading
    • Chris Kanaracus
    • Mark Leary Loading
    • Archana Venkatraman Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    • Susan G. Middleton
    • Dileep Nadimpalli Loading
    • Jeff Newton Loading
    • Josephine Palencia
    • Dave Pearson Loading
    • Simon Piff Loading
    • Alexandra Rotaru Loading
    • Juan Pablo Seminara Loading
    • Carol Sliwa Loading
    • Elaina Stergiades Loading
    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Steve White Loading
    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Christopher Webber
    • Penny Madsen Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for the future of digital infrastructure for 2023."Digital infrastructure provides the underpinning for digital business agility and innovation," explains Mary Johnston Turner, research VP, F...

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