Asia/Pacific Software Team

Sandra Ng

Group Vice President and General Manager

Sungmin Jo

Research Analyst

Franco Chiam

Vice President

Daniel-Zoe Jimenez

Vice President, Digital Innovation, CX & Software, DNB/Start-ups, SMBs, Consumer and Channels Research

Chris Zhang

Research Director, IDC Asia/Pacific Software Research Group.

Daphne Chung

Research Director, Cloud Services and Software Research, IDC Asia/Pacific

Avneesh Saxena

Group Vice President, Domain Research Group, IDC Asia/Pacific

Supriya Deka

Sr. Market Analyst

Gurpal Singh

Senior Research Manager

Shirley Tsai

Senior Research Manager

Daisy Wan

Market Analyst

Neha Gupta

Senior Research Manager

Abhishek Kumar

Associate Research Director

New Research

  • By: 

    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Laura Becker
    • Cushing Anderson
    • Juliana Beauvais
    • Maureen Fleming Loading
    • Mick Heys Loading
    • Phil Hochmuth Loading
    • Shannon Kalvar Loading
    • Keith Kmetz Loading
    • Marianne Kolding
    • Wayne Kurtzman Loading
    • Marci Maddox Loading
    • Matthew Merker
    • Holly Muscolino Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Deepan Pathy
    • Joseph C. Pucciarelli
    • Lisa Rowan
    • Alexandros Stratis
    • Hayley Sutherland Loading
    This IDC study contains IDC analysts' future of work worldwide outlook for 2022, as well as the planning horizon for the next five years. The outlook is presented through the lens of the 10 predictions that make up, in IDC's view, the frame...
  • By: 

    • Mickey North Rizza Loading
    • Pietro Delai Loading
    • Chandana Gopal
    • Kevin Permenter Loading
    • Juliana Beauvais
    • Ritu Jyoti Loading
    • Kevin Prouty Loading
    • Bo Lykkegaard Loading
    • Alexandros Stratis
    • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading
    • Jordan Jewell
    This IDC study provides 10 predictions for the worldwide intelligent ERP market."The digital-first world requires businesses to leverage their enterprise applications in a manner that enables their businesses to run smarter, be more agile, ...
  • By: 

    • Katie Evans Loading
    • Jason Blackwell Loading
    • Jason Bremner Loading
    • Simone De Bruin
    • Shawn Fitzgerald
    • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading
    • Takashi Manabe Loading
    This IDC study provides top 10 predictions for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in 2022."One way SMBs are looking to grow, contain costs, and enhance productivity is by looking to digital technologies to increase awareness, reach, r...
  • By: 

    • Al Gillen
    • Melinda-Carol Ballou Loading
    • Arnal Dayaratna Loading
    • Maureen Fleming Loading
    • Lara Greden Loading
    • Mitsuhiro Iriya
    • Jevin Jensen Loading
    • Chris Zhang Loading
    • Linus Lai Loading
    • Jim Mercer Loading
    • George Mironescu Loading
    • Katie Norton Loading
    • John O'Brien
    • Gina Smith, PhD Loading
    • Jennifer Thomson Loading
    • Peter Marston Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for developers and DevOps for 2022 and beyond."Developers and DevOps professionals continue to be in the hot seat as their organizations or their customers demand that convenient and user-fri...
  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Alan Webber Loading
    • Amita Potnis
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Holly Muscolino Loading
    • Paul Hughes Loading
    • Jeffrey Hojlo Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    • Susan G. Middleton
    • Lara Greden Loading
    • Chandana Gopal
    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    • Al Gillen
    • George Mironescu Loading
    • Carla Arend Loading
    • Leif Eriksen
    • Robert Parker Loading
    • Thomas Meyer Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Meredith Whalen Loading
    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    • Serge Findling
    • Avneesh Saxena Loading
    This IDC study presents the top 10 predictions and key drivers for the IT industry for the next five years. It highlights the midterm and long-term challenges that enterprise IT teams face as they define, build, and govern the technologies ...
  • By: 

    • Deepak Mohan
    • Brad Casemore
    • Larry Carvalho
    • Stacy Crook
    • Carla Arend Loading
    • Frank Della Rosa Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Andrew Smith
    • Daphne Chung Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    • Mickey North Rizza Loading
    • Stephen Elliot Loading
    • Adelaide O'Brien Loading
    • Carl W. Olofson Loading
    • Satoshi Matsumoto Loading
    • Michelle Bailey
    • Megha Kumar Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Eric Newmark Loading
    • David Tapper Loading
    • Thomas Zhou Loading
    • Matthew Eastwood Loading
    • Rick Villars Loading
    This IDC study provides 10 predictions for the cloud market."The disruption and uncertainty of the past year have underscored the benefits of resilient and flexible IT and accelerated investments toward an agile digital foundation," said De...
  • By: 

    • Shawn Fitzgerald
    • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading
    • Serge Findling
    • Yukiharu Yorifuji Loading
    • Megha Kumar Loading
    • Lianfeng Wu Loading
    • Giulia Carosella Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Robert Parker Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Meredith Whalen Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for digital transformation for 2021."Even though we are experiencing a global pandemic, direct digital transformation (DX) investment is still growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) ...
  • By:  Sandra Ng Loading

    This IDC Perspective outlines the IDC's new crisis to recovery framework. In the last four to six weeks, an increasing pool of organizations in Asia/Pacific have begun their recovery journeys. The move from response to recovery presents new...
  • By: 

    • Holly Muscolino Loading
    • Robert Palmer Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Marci Maddox Loading
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Marianne Kolding
    • Wayne Kurtzman Loading
    • Shannon Kalvar Loading
    • Phil Hochmuth Loading
    • Remy Glaisner
    • Megan Buttita
    • Angela Salmeron Loading
    This IDC Perspective reviews the challenges that organizations face as they transition to the new work experience and presents a framework for addressing those challenges. As organizations accelerate and expand digital transformation (DX) i...
  • By: 

    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Lianfeng Wu Loading
    • Dan Vesset Loading
    • Eileen Smith Loading
    • Craig Simpson
    • Swapnil Shende Loading
    • Joseph C. Pucciarelli
    • Kevin Prouty Loading
    • Robert Parker Loading
    • Tony Olvet Loading
    • Adelaide O'Brien Loading
    • Gard Little Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Megha Kumar Loading
    • Ritu Jyoti Loading
    • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading
    • Jordan Jewell
    • Leslie Hand Loading
    • Oscar Guzman
    • Jorge Gomez
    • Shawn Fitzgerald
    • Serge Findling
    • Lynne Dunbrack Loading
    • Yukiharu Yorifuji Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for digital transformation for 2020."Direct digital transformation (DX) investment is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.5% from 2020 to 2023 and is expected to approach $7...

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