Latin America Enterprise Solutions Team

Juan Pablo Seminara

Research Director, Worldwide Enterprise Infrastructure Trackers

Natalia Vega

Country Manager, Chile and Peru

Alejandro Florean

Vice President Consulting & Strategic Solutions, Latin America

Pietro Delai

Research Director, Latin America Enterprise Infrastructure and Cloud Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By:  Pietro Delai Loading

    Becoming a digital business is a multifaceted journey that impacts all areas of the organization. Organizations must embrace modernization and the digital business era to grow and thrive in the new Latin American and global economy. Enterpr...
  • By:  Alejandro Florean Loading

    Despite a vigilant global consensus, Latin American CEOs and C-suites, usually resilient executives, are more optimistic; many of these business leaders believe it is essential to focus on being competitive and resilient to manage external ...
  • By: 

    • Pietro Delai Loading
    • Marcelo Leiva Loading
    This IDC study provides an assessment of Latin America cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) provider through the IDC MarketScape model.For the first IDC MarketScape developed in Latin America region, we focused on a great growing market...
  • By: 

    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Natalya Yezhkova Loading
    • Rajnish Arora
    • Tarun Bhasin Loading
    • Eckhardt Fischer Loading
    • Oscar Omar Garcia Loading
    • Juan Pablo Seminara Loading
    • Jiri Helebrand Loading
    • Marina Kostova Loading
    • Lidice Fernandez Loading
    • Viranart Chandarasanti Loading
    • Satoshi Fukutomi Loading
    This IDC study provides a comprehensive overview and definitions for enterprise infrastructure hardware. The definitions provided in this document represent the scope of IDC's enterprise infrastructure hardware research.This taxonomy outlin...
  • By:  Alejandro Florean Loading

    In this document, IDC shares an essential vision for future business models that will impact both the IT industry and other markets. The consumer experience is undergoing profound changes, and at the level of business purchases of technolog...
  • By: 

    • Alejandro Florean Loading
    • Oscar Guzman
    Digital skills are essential to grow and evolve professionally in the coming years, given that skilled professionals will be the ones reshaping the world. Nevertheless, getting there involves challenges for organizations and professionals. ...
  • By: 

    • Pietro Delai Loading
    • Danielle Ibran Loading
    • Alejandro Florean Loading
    Vendors continue to express interest in the distribution channel. Especially, cloud platform vendors are interested in securing cloud commits that enhance their value and attract third-party intellectual property (IP) that complements their...
  • By:  Alejandro Florean Loading

    This document provides IDC's perspective on the future of technology distribution based on recent studies and interviews. In response to digital transformation, evolving customer demand, and changing partner business models, the technology ...
  • By: 

    • Victor Almandoz
    • Pietro Delai Loading
    Unified security is a crucial factor for the security of data and systems. Digitization takes security one step further, given its importance in business objectives such as trust and compliance with multiple local and global regulations. Co...
  • By: 

    • Giulia Carosella Loading
    • Craig Powers Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Linus Lai Loading
    • Tony Olvet Loading
    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    • Gard Little Loading
    • Teodora Siman Loading
    • David Clemente Loading
    • Elisabeth Clemmons Loading
    • Erica Spinoni Loading
    • Craig Simpson
    • Alejandro Florean Loading
    本IDC研究报告介绍了IDC 2023年数字业务战略十大预测。这些预测将为企业在未来五年发展成为数字企业提供指导。它们也是IDC对该预测期内数字业务领域将发生的十个最重要转变的展望,可帮助首席级高管提升数字化成熟度。"面对经济衰退,企业现在可能想削减支出,但过去三年证明,数字企业是发展韧性的最好基础。重视数字化成熟度的企业未来五年的竞争力将进一步增强。"——IDC全球数字业务战略研究总监Craig Powers表示。

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