Infrastructure Systems, Platforms and Technologies Team

Linus Lai

Vice President

Leon Kao

Senior Research Manager, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Greg Macatee

Research Manager, Infrastructure Software Platforms, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Heather West, PhD

Research Manager, Performance Intensive Computing, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Phil Goodwin

Research Vice President, Infrastructure Software Platforms, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Peter Rutten

Research Vice-President, Performance Intensive Computing, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Estelle Quek

Senior Research Manager

Penny Madsen

Senior Research Director, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Dave McCarthy

Research Vice President, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Jennifer Cooke

Senior Research Director, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Madhumitha Sathish

Research Manager, High Performance Computing

Jasdeep Singh

Research Manager, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Dave Pearson

Research Vice President, Storage and Converged Systems, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Chris Drake

Senior Research Director, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Simon Piff

Research Vice President

Sandeep Nayak

Research Manager

Johnny Yu

Research Manager, Infrastructure Software Platforms, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Carol Sliwa

Research Director, Storage and Converged Systems, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Natalya Yezhkova

Research Vice President, Enterprise and Emerging Workloads, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Kuba Stolarski

Research Vice President, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Max Pepper

Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise and Emerging Workloads, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ryan Caskey

Research Manager, BuyerView Operations, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Mary Johnston Turner

Research Vice President, Digital Infrastructure Strategies, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By:  Leon Kao Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation is the most recent update to IDC's mid-July 2023 outlook on ODM Direct vendors' shipments, the datacenter system components/commodity supply chain, and customer consumption during the period.
  • By:  Phil Goodwin Loading

    This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the survey results and the number 1 barrier to effective use of AI/ML, which falls in the domain of data logistics. AI and ML have become a major focus for organizations seeking competitive advantage thr...
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    • Natalya Yezhkova Loading
    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Lidice Fernandez Loading
    • Juan Pablo Seminara Loading
    • Cynthia Ho Loading
    • Sawyet Suo Loading
    • Satoshi Fukutomi Loading
    • Kamil Gregor Loading
    • Jiri Helebrand Loading
    • Victoria Mendes Loading
    • Tarun Bhasin Loading
    • Oscar Omar Garcia Loading
    This IDC study provides a comprehensive overview and definitions for enterprise infrastructure hardware. The definitions provided in this document represent the scope of IDC's enterprise infrastructure hardware research.This taxonomy outlin...
  • By: 

    • Chris Drake Loading
    • Penny Madsen Loading
    This IDC Survey Spotlight draws upon 1Q23 Cloud Pulse data to uncover the likelihood expansion of a relationship with a service provider after using one to build out a cloud platform.
  • By: 

    • Chris Drake Loading
    • Penny Madsen Loading
    This IDC Survey Spotlight discusses the results drawn from IDC's Cloud Pulse Survey, 1Q23. This IDC Survey Spotlight looks at the use of service providers versus internal IT teams for broader digital transformation (DX) initiatives. It cove...
  • By:  Kuba Stolarski Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation offers an overview of the worldwide service provider infrastructure market and related trends from the first quarter of 2023. Detailed results were released on June 29, 2023, in IDC's Worldwide Enterprise Infras...
  • By:  Dave McCarthy Loading

    Following last year's acquisition of Linode, Akamai is moving full steam ahead on its strategy of transforming itself into a distributed cloud services company. The addition of new sites, premium compute instances, increased storage capacit...
  • By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading

    This IDC Survey summarizes selected results from IDC's Future of Digital Infrastructure Worldwide Sentiment Survey, conducted in May and June 2023. Data from this survey is published in multiple documents. This document provides insights as...
  • By: 

    • Dave Pearson Loading
    • Carol Sliwa Loading
    • Henry Arzumanian Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation examines the converged and hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) hardware platform markets for calendar 1Q23. It provides regional and vendor performance as well as category views for hyperconverged systems (appli...
  • By: 

    • Jasdeep Singh Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    This IDC Perspective discusses the public cloud storage options and explores the areas where organizations are implementing each storage type to achieve an optimal balance between performance and cost."Public cloud storage has evolved to pr...

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