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jeudi 14 décembre 2023

Accueil participants - Petit déjeuner d’accueil - Networking


Modernisation d’application : une étape clé sur la roadmap des entreprises en Europe et en France


Keynote BOX


Panel - Hybride ou multi-cloud : et si on parlait gouvernance ?


Speed Meetings et Workshops IDC Connect


Panel avec Open Text


Déjeuner networking


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Nous contacter

Pauline Cazenave

Event Specialist

Olivier Godest

Senior Events Director

IDC, Foundry

IT executives rely on IDC and Foundry events for discovering new ideas, trends, and solutions that drive their technology strategies. Leveraging IDC’s deep market intelligence and advisory expertise, and Foundry’s rich media brands (CIO, Computerworld, InfoWorld) and relationships, IDC and Foundry produce powerful learning and networking experiences for IT decision makers around the world.