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IDC, HCLTech & HP Executive Dinner

How to Build a Sustainable, Secure Hybrid Workplace

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More workers are enjoying the benefits of flexible working than ever before. But has the transition to Hybrid work really happened or should we consider this work in progress?

IDC data suggests that 60% of European employees are working hybrid or remote in 2024. All these distributed teams need to safely access company data and find a way of effectively collaborating across time and space. Unfortunately, even 4 years after the shift to hybrid started, 1 in 3 staff are still unhappy with their current technology experience and 70% of European IT departments still report issues with securely supporting remote staff. So, what is the solution? Are there solutions that can cost-efficiently streamline device procurement and management - but also drive business productivity, enhance security, employee experience, and maybe even impact sustainability?

The commercial impact of sustainability can indeed be significant on companies' bottom line, potentially threatening their very existence; it is a resilience mandate after all. Unfortunately, the current workplace model is simply not sustainable. Carbon emissions, e-waste, and unequal working opportunities are frequent practice across all industries. Investing in a sustainable workplace therefore is all about business prosperity, as well as social and ecological welfare. The good news is, increasingly stringent requirements on ESG targets in Europe, can nowadays be managed through the application of Analytics, Automation, AI and other technology solutions that should make up the foundation for a company’s sustainability governance framework.

Why Attend?

Join us to learn about the most recent findings on the real state of Hybrid work in Europe and discuss options and technology solutions to drive a sustainable, secure hybrid workplace which keeps the focus on your employees’ experience at its center.

Let’s discuss:

1) Which Are The Most Pressing Pain Points Left Over In The Transition To New Working Models?

2)Possible Solutions To Creating A Secure, Employee First Modern Work Environment.

       A. Device As A Service (Daas): Devices, Software, Lifecycle Services For End User Devices

       B. Enabling Technologies: Advanced Analytics, Automation, And AI

      C. Risk: Security, Compliance And Implementing The Right Guardrails

      D. Sustainability: Carbon Footprint Reduction And Circular Economy

3) Exchange Of Experiences & Ideas Of Committed IT Decision-Maker


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Wednesday February 28, 2024

Welcome & Champagne Reception


IDC, HCLTech & HP Welcome Address


Delegate Introductions


Starter Discussion Topic - Which are the most Pressing Pain Points Left Over in the Transition to New Working Models?


Main Course Discussion Topic - Possible Solutions to Creating a Secure, Employee First Modern Work Environment


Dessert Discussion Topic - Exchange Of Experiences & Ideas Of Committed IT Decision-Maker


Coffee Served & Evaluations Forms Distributed


Thank You & Close from IDC, HCLTech & HP


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Hannah Dowie

Event Manager IDC UK


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