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Next-Gen Infrastructure: Cloud, AI, Sustainability

IDC Infrastructure

Paris, France

Innovating with the speed of business

80% of decision-makers worldwide recognize that digital infrastructure is important or mission-critical to enabling the achievement of business goals.
(Source: IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Future of Digital Infrastructure 2023 Predictions)

IDC predicts that by 2026, 40% of revenue generated by the Global 2000 organizations will be generated by digital products, services, and experiences.
(Source: IDC MaturityScape: Digital Infrastructure Operating Model 2.0)


The increasing digitization of business is driving many enterprises to rapidly transform the ways they consume, manage, and architect digital infrastructure resources across datacenters, colocation sites, public cloud services, and edge locations. 

Successful digital enterprises will invest in digital infrastructure architectures, governance, automation, AI, and sourcing strategies that are best able to match and continuously adapt the cost, security, compliance, and performance of digital infrastructure resources to business requirements. The importance of digital infrastructure has never been more important. 

Why Attend?

If you want to:

  • get actionable guidance for managing and communicating IT investment priorities in digital infrastructure and implementation strategies
  • learn more about how to encourage the success of digital businesses built on critical infrastructure investments 
  • learn how CIOs and digital leaders can effectively lead the transformation agenda

Register for the upcoming IDC Infrastructure Forum 2024!


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Thursday November 14, 2024

Accueil participants


Keynote d'ouverture IDC


Pas de transformation numérique réussie sans une évolution du cloud et du réseau


Workshops and networking


Optimisation des ressources et gestion de l'IA


Networking lunch


Guest keynote


Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale (RSE) dans l'Infrastructure Numérique


Conclusion avec guest speaker


Cocktail de fin


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