IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Used Device Tracker® provides a historical and five-year forecast of the global market for used client devices. This product will include historical vendor market share and models as well as a market forecast based upon changes that will impact resellers, OEM vendors, carriers, and consumers. The first phase of the program will focus on smartphones, with the plan of incorporating personal computers, tablets, and other device categories along the way.

Technology Coverage

This tracker provides total market size and vendor share for the technology areas listed in this section. Measurement for this tracker is in units, value, and ASP.

Core Coverage

  • Detailed quarterly analysis of historical data trends as well as forecast around the used device market
  • Device coverage to lead with smartphones but quickly include coverage around other categories such as personal computers and tablets

Geographic Scope

  • Asia/Pacific excluding Japan (3): Australia, India, and the rest of Asia/Pacific
  • Canada
  • Central and Eastern Europe (1): The rest of CEE
  • Japan
  • Latin America (2): Brazil and the rest of Latin America
  • Middle East and Africa (3): Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and the rest of Middle East and Africa
  • China
  • United States
  • Western Europe (6): France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, and the rest of Western Europe

Data Deliverables

This tracker is delivered on a quarterly basis via a web-based interface for online querying and downloads. Deliverables for this tracker are listed below. For a complete delivery schedule, please contact an IDC sales representative.

  • Historical data: Quarterly data included from 1Q22
  • Forecast data: Five-year forecast
  • Launch quarter: September 2024 (with 2Q24 release); thereafter, weeks 10 and 11 of every quarter for historical and forecast data

Historical and Forecast Coverage

Deliverables for this tracker are updated quarterly. Historical data is broken out by quarter. Forecasts are broken out annually and include five years of annual market projections. Examples of the data attributes included in this tracker are as follows:

Core Historical Coverage

  • Region
  • Country
  • Product category (smartphone only)
  • OS (Android and iOS)
  • Company, vendor, brand
  • Form factor (foldable, non-foldable)
  • Price band: $100 up to $1,600, $1,600+
  • All technical model attributes: Screen size, storage, camera, waterproofing, processor, SIM, display type, RAM, screen resolution, storage band, wireless charging, and so forth
  • Measurements: Units, ASP ($US), value
  • Time period: Year, quarter
  • Optional historical add-on: Model name
  • Delivery: Week 10 of quarter

Core Forecast Coverage

  • Region
  • Country
  • Product category (smartphone only)
  • OS (Android and iOS)
  • Measurements: Units, ASP ($US), value
  • Time period: Year (five years)
  • Delivery: Week 11 of quarter
  • Diogo Santos

    Data & Analytics Analyst, IDC

    Explore My Research
  • Nabila Popal

    Senior Director, Data & Analytics

    Explore My Research
  • Anthony Scarsella

    Research Director, Mobile Phones

    Explore My Research
  • Ignacio Martinez De Lizarrondo

    Senior Research Analyst, Mobile Phone Devices, IDC Europe

    Explore My Research
  • Zdenek Krouzel

    Senior Research Manager, Mobile Phone Devices, IDC Europe

    Explore My Research
  • Akash Balachandran

    Research Manager, Mobile Devices and AR/VR, Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META)

    Explore My Research
  • Kiranjeet Kaur

    Associate Research Director

    Explore My Research
  • Diego Valer

    Program Manager, Mobile Devices, Latin America

    Explore My Research
  • Arthur Guo

    Research Manager

    Explore My Research