Analyst Location

United States




Mary Wardley

Program Vice President, Customer Care and CRM

  • By:  Mary Wardley Loading

    This IDC Market Analysis Perspective (MAP) presentation encapsulates IDC insights and data on technologies, industry dynamics, and trends influencing the segments within the customer service applications and contact center applications segm...
  • By:  Mary Wardley Loading

    This IDC study examines the customer service applications market for 2021–2023. Revenue and market share of the leading vendors are provided for 2023. "The customer service applications market has settled into a stable rhythm. A growth of 1...
  • By: 

    • Eric Newmark Loading
    • Mickey North Rizza Loading
    • Marci Maddox Loading
    • Aly Pinder Loading
    • Gerry Murray Loading
    • Roger Beharry Lall Loading
    • Sudhir Rajagopal Loading
    • Mary Wardley Loading
    • Heather Hershey Loading
    • Michelle Morgan Loading
    • Lou Reinemann Loading
    • Tapan Patel Loading
    • Nadia Ballard Loading
    • Simo Balghannou Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation provides application vendor ratings by 13 application areas from IDC's 2024 CX Path Survey. IDC's 2024 CX Path program polled 2,500 respondents across 5 continents and 12 countries to collect information on CX a...
More results   for Analyst Research
  • CRM Applications Market Shares 2023


    • Sudhir Rajagopal Loading
    • Roger Beharry Lall Loading
    • Gerry Murray Loading
    • Mary Wardley Loading
    • Michelle Morgan Loading
    • Tapan Patel Loading
    • Lou Reinemann Loading
    • Marci Maddox Loading
    • Heather Hershey Loading
    • Aly Pinder Loading


    Software, Consumer, Applications, Big data, Marketing and sales operations, Marketing operations, Marketing automation, Market intelligence, Sales operations, Services, Social business, Digital transformation, COVID-19, Future of customer experience

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Share Tech Supplier

  • CX Survey 2024 Results - The Service Perspective Among CX Professionals


    Mary Wardley Loading


    Software, Applications, Social business, COVID-19

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Perspective Tech Supplier

  • Contact Center Market Forecast 2024-2028


    Mary Wardley Loading


    Software, Applications, Social business, COVID-19

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Forecast Tech Supplier

More results   for Planned Research