Analyst Location

United States


Jerry Silva

Program Vice President

  • By:  Jerry Silva Loading

    This IDC study represents the vendor assessment model called IDC MarketScape. This research is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the characteristics that explain a vendor's success in the digital core banking system space and hel...
  • By: 

    • Eric Newmark Loading
    • Nadia Ballard Loading
    • Frank Della Rosa Loading
    • Lynne Dunbrack Loading
    • Jerry Silva Loading
    • Leslie Hand Loading
    • Simon Ellis Loading
    • Jeffrey Hojlo Loading
    • Ruthbea Yesner Loading
    • Nimita Limaye Loading
    • Michael Townsend Loading
    • Reid Paquin Loading
    • Jordan K. Speer Loading
    • Travis Eide Loading
    • John Villali Loading
    • Ananda Chakravarty Loading
    • Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading
    This IDC Pivot Table banner book includes data for IDC's Industry Tech Path 2024 program, which provides insights into the adoption, utilization, decisioning, value creation, and strategic planning surrounding three key technologies (genera...
  • By: 

    • Eric Newmark Loading
    • Nadia Ballard Loading
    • Frank Della Rosa Loading
    • Lynne Dunbrack Loading
    • Leslie Hand Loading
    • Jerry Silva Loading
    • Ruthbea Yesner Loading
    • Simon Ellis Loading
    • Nimita Limaye Loading
    • Michael Townsend Loading
    • Jeffrey Hojlo Loading
    • Jordan K. Speer Loading
    • Ananda Chakravarty Loading
    • Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading
    • Reid Paquin Loading
    • John Villali Loading
    • Travis Eide Loading
    This IDC Pivot Table banner book includes data for IDC's Industry Tech Path 2024 program, which provides insights into the adoption, utilization, decisioning, value creation, and strategic planning surrounding three key technologies (genera...
More results   for Analyst Research
  • Examples and Benefits of Industry Clouds in Financial Services


    • Jerry Silva Loading
    • Nadia Ballard Loading

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 IDC Perspective Tech Buyer

  • IDC FutureScape: Banking Predictions 2025


    • Tom Zink Loading
    • Raymond Pucci Loading
    • Aaron Press Loading
    • Marc DeCastro Loading
    • Dr. Ashish Kakar Loading
    • Thomas Shuster Loading
    • George Briford Loading
    • Jerry Silva Loading

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 IDC FutureScape Tech Buyer

  • IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Financial Services 2023 Predictions


    • Tom Zink Loading
    • Raymond Pucci Loading
    • Jerry Silva Loading
    • Marc DeCastro Loading
    • Aaron Press Loading

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 IDC FutureScape Tech Buyer

More results   for Planned Research

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IDC Financial Insights