target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Market Analysis Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50117623

Market Analysis Perspective: Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics Software, 2024

By:  Megha Kumar Loading


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This IDC Market Analysis Perspective provides insight into the current and future state of the worldwide business intelligence and analytics software market. It includes an analysis of current market shares, growth, and trends as well as a view as to how technology buyers are prioritizing their business intelligence and analytics investments.

"Organizations are constantly seeking to leverage insights to engage in informed decision-making and become data driven across their processes. However, the volume and breadth of data continue to impact access to quality insights and collaboration. As generative AI becomes a feature across different workloads including business intelligence and analytics, the need for transparency and quality of insights and the ability to collaborate will become more critical than ever," says Megha Kumar, research vice president, Analytics and AI research at IDC.


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