target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US51901324

Deep Automation: The CIO's Best Weapon to Overcome Revenue Challenges

By:  Serge Findling Loading


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This IDC Tech Buyer Survey Spotlight explores the rising importance of automation in addressing revenue challenges for organizations. IDC's CIO Sentiment Survey conducted in September 2023 highlights the relationship between revenue performance and the inclination to invest in automation.

To effectively leverage automation and overcome revenue challenges, IDC advises CIOs and IT leaders to continuously analyze their business environment, anticipate trends, and experiment with automation options. They should also develop a holistic automation strategy aligned with the organization's revenue trajectory, prioritize automation projects, and focus on process improvement. Furthermore, fostering strong partnerships, addressing employee concerns, and investing in upskilling programs are crucial for successful adoption.

By embracing deep automation and a dynamic and adaptable approach, CIOs and IT leaders can optimize operations, navigate economic uncertainty, and achieve long-term success.


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