target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52551724

Moving Agentic Workflows into Work

By:  Maureen Fleming Loading


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This IDC Perspective delves into agentic workflows, which promise to revolutionize work by automating knowledge work and decision-making processes. These AI-driven technologies enable organizations to enhance productivity and foster innovation across various domains. However, successful implementation requires careful identification of high-value use cases to avoid marginal improvements in low-impact areas. CIOs must develop comprehensive AI strategies, establish governance frameworks, and empower employees to create AI solutions. By focusing on project-oriented and creative tasks, enterprises can maximize the potential of agentic workflows while addressing challenges in security, coordination, and employee engagement.

"Agentic workflows promise to transform knowledge work, but organizations must focus on high-value applications," according to Maureen Fleming, program vice president for Worldwide Intelligent Process Automation. "Empower employees, invest wisely, and balance innovation with security to maximize agentic workflow's potential."


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