target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52571424

IDC's Global CIO Advisory Board: Scaling GenAI from Experimentation to Production


  • Nupur Singh Andley Loading
  • Tony Olvet Loading
  • Philip Carter Loading


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This IDC Perspective summarizes IDC's Global CIO Advisory Board discussion on advancing from GenAI experimentation to full-scale production.

"Any new technology undergoes a cycle of innovation before its reliability and value are proven, leading to broader adoption. The success of scaling AI technology hinges on the organizations' ability to access high-quality, AI-ready data and identify use cases that deliver tangible business value in terms of increased efficiency, cost-effectiveness, faster time to value, and improved output quality." — Nupur Singh Andley, research manager, C-Suite Tech Agenda Program, IDC


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