target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US52579724

Executive Playbook: Optimizing Use of AI for IT Operations


  • Stephen Elliot Loading
  • Mary Johnston Turner Loading


  • 23 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides guidance to assist senior IT leaders in the evaluation and adoption of AI for IT operations (ITOps), including recommendations related to optimizing production-scale deployments, transforming IT staff and skills, increasing use of AI-enabled automation, and creating effective governance capabilities. The adoption of AI capabilities across IT operations teams, applications, and processes offers the potential to improve IT operations efficiency, productivity, and service levels but requires decision-makers to understand the capabilities and benefits of different types of AI models and tools and apply them as appropriate across the organization.

The presentation includes insights related to:

  • Understanding how implementing production-scale AI for IT operations is different from proof-of-concept trials
  • Understanding how AI-enabled analytics can transform IT operations at scale
  • Matching the right AI to the specific ITOps use case
  • A road map for transforming governance, processes, roles, and tools


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