target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52596824

Assistants, Advisors, and Agents: Defining Support Systems for New Work Models


  • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
  • Mickey North Rizza Loading
  • Hayley Sutherland Loading


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This IDC Perspective defines and clarifies the roles of AI-enabled assistants, advisors, agents, and copilots, highlighting their distinct capabilities and business impacts. It emphasizes the importance of understanding these terms for effective AI adoption in various work models, guiding their application in enhancing productivity, insights, and autonomous operations. The document also addresses the challenges in AI deployment and offers strategic advice for technology buyers to navigate AI integration and maximize ROI.

"AI assistants, advisors, and agents are reshaping work models — how humans interact with new AI-enabled technologies," said Amy Loomis, research vice president, Future of Work, IDC. "Organizations need to align deployment of these technologies with key use cases, starting with those that are most familiar and easy to automate."


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