target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # EUR150687124

European HCM and Payroll Applications Vendor Shares, 2023

By:  Ivan Oz Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Share Figure

    • Figure: European HCM and Payroll Management Applications 2023 Share Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

    • Develop a Road Map to HR Automation

    • Implement GenAI Strategically

    • Enhance Employee Experience Through Modern Payroll Solutions

    • Assist European Organizations in Gearing Up for the Skill-Based Economy

    • Measure the ROI of Employee Experience Investments

    • Address Expectations of Gen Z and Millennials

  • Market Share

    • Table: Top 20 European HCM and Payroll Applications Vendors by Revenue, 2021–2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: Top 20 European HCM Applications Vendors by Market Revenue, Growth, and Share, 2021–2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: Top 20 European Payroll Management Applications Vendors by Market Revenue, Growth, and Share, 2021–2023 (Constant $M)

  • Who Shaped the Year?

    • Main Vendors of HCM Solutions Integrate GenAI Capabilities

    • Workday Acquires HiredScore

    • SD Worx Acquires TribePerk and Romanian Software to Strengthen Market Position in Europe

    • ServiceNow Expands Capabilities Through Strategic Acquisitions

  • Market Context

    • Figure: European HCM and Payroll Management Applications License, Maintenance, and Subscription Revenues by Region, 2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: European HCM and Payroll Applications Revenue by Region, 2021–2023 (Constant $M)

    • Figure: European HCM and Payroll Management Applications License, Maintenance, and Subscription Revenues by Deployment Type, 2023 (Constant $M)

    • Figure: European HCM and Payroll Management Applications License, Maintenance, and Subscription Revenues by Functional Market, 2023 (Constant $M)

    • Significant Market Developments

    • No Doubt About It, GenAI Is a Disruptive Technology for the HCM Tech Space

    • HR Automation Is a Key Focus for Buyers

    • HR Is Breaking Out of Its Silo, Looking to Connect with IT and the Rest of the Organization

  • Methodology

    • Exchange Rates

    • Mergers and Acquisitions

  • Market Definition

    • Human Capital Management Applications

    • Core Human Resources Applications

    • Talent Management Applications

    • Talent Acquisition Applications (Recruiting)

    • Compensation Management Applications

    • Employee Performance Management Applications

    • Learning Management Applications

    • Workforce Management Applications

    • Payroll Management Applications

  • Related Research