target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # EUR152503324

European DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Market Shares, 2023: A Very Healthy Picture

By:  Jason Stamper Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Share Figure

    • Figure: European DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence 2023 Share Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

    • Recognize and Respect Different Data Modernization Journeys

    • Facilitate End-to-End Data Management

    • Support Sustainability Initiatives

    • Prioritize Industry and Country Focus

  • Market Share

    • Table: European DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

  • Who Shaped the Year

    • Snowflake

    • Confluent

    • IBM

    • Databricks

    • Informatica

  • Market Context

    • Figure: European DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence License, Maintenance, and Subscription Revenue Share by Subregion, 2023

    • Figure: European DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Software Revenue by Functional Market, 2023

    • Figure: European DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue Share by Deployment Type, 2023

    • Table: European Data intelligence and Integration Market Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: European DBMS Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: European DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Country/Subregion, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: Benelux DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: France DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: Germany DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: Italy DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: Nordics DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: Spain DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: U.K. DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Table: Central & Eastern Europe DBMS and Data Integration and Intelligence Revenue, Growth, and Share by Vendor, 2021-2023 (Constant $M)

    • Significant Market Developments

  • Methodology

  • Market Definition

    • Database Management Systems (DBMS)

    • Data Lake Management Systems

    • Data Integration and Intelligence Software

  • Related Research