target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2022 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US49688022

IDC PeerScape: SIEM Practices for Enabling a Trusted Tool

By:  Michelle Abraham Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC PeerScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC PeerScape: SIEM — Practices to Enable a Trusted Tool

  • Executive Summary

  • Peer Insights

    • Practice 1: Know Your Log Source Options Before Choosing Your SIEM Vendor

    • Challenge

    • Example

    • Guidance

    • Practice 2: Understand the Care and Feeding Required to Maintain the SIEM

    • Challenge

    • Example

    • Guidance

    • Practice 3: Adjust the SIEM to Your Environment by Tweaking Detections as Needed

    • Challenge

    • Example

    • Guidance

    • Practice 4: Squeeze the Value Out of the SIEM by Using Its Full Capabilities

    • Challenge

    • Example

    • Guidance