target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US51353524

Worldwide Digital PC and Mac Gaming Forecast, 2024–2028: Paid Game and DLC Revenue Set for Record Highs

By:  Lewis Ward Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Forecast Figure

    • Figure: Worldwide Digital PC and Mac Gaming Spending Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

  • Market Forecast

    • Worldwide

    • Table: Worldwide Digital PC Gamers and Revenue by Segment, 2019–2028

    • Figure: Worldwide Consumer PC Installed Base by Region, 2023 and 2028

    • Table: Worldwide Top 20 Steam Games by Revenue, 2023

    • Figure: Worldwide PC Gamer Monthly ARPPU or ARPU by Business Model Segment and Aggregate ARPU, 2023–2028

    • Client-Based Subscription Games

    • Paid Digital Games, Add-On/DLC, and Season/Battle Passes

    • Figure: Approximate Positioning of Steam's Worldwide Top 8 Paid Games by Revenue and Total Owners, 1H24

    • Client-Based Free-to-Play Games

    • Figure: Approximate Positioning of Steam's Worldwide Top 8 Free-to-Play Games by Revenue and Total Owners, 1H24

    • Web Browser–Based Instant, .IO, and Cloud-Streamed Games

    • North America

    • Table: North America Digital PC Gamers and Revenue by Segment, 2019–2028

    • Western Europe

    • Table: Western Europe Digital PC Gamers and Revenue by Segment, 2019–2028

    • Asia/Pacific (Including Japan)

    • Table: Asia/Pacific (Including Japan) Digital PC Gamers and Revenue by Segment, 2019–2028

    • Rest of World

    • Table: Rest of World Digital PC Gamers and Revenue by Segment, 2019–2028

  • Market Context

    • Drivers and Inhibitors

    • Drivers

    • eSports Tournaments and Associated Livestreamed and VOD Content

    • Growing UGC, Modding, and Creator Economy Opportunities

    • Inhibitors

    • Macroeconomic Inflation in Key Markets

    • Increased Gaming Regulations in China

    • Significant Market Developments

    • Changes from Prior Forecast

    • Figure: Worldwide Digital PC Gaming Revenue, 2019–2028: Comparison of October 2023 and August 2024 Forecasts

  • Market Definition

  • Methodology

  • Related Research