rssbigdata IDC RSS alerts Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan and China) Big Data and Analytics: Market Trends and Buyers' View <P>This IDC Market Presentation summarizes the key findings from IDC's Worldwide Semiannual Big Data and Analytics Software Tracker, 2H23, incorporating data from multiple surveys. It delves into the market dynamics of big data and analytics software in Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan and China) from 2023 to 2028. The document offers insights into evolving business and data analytics priorities among enterprises in the region, their investment patterns in specialized data processing solutions, and their distribution of analytics/AI workloads. Additionally, this document explores the competitive landscape, including vendor shares, and provides an outlook on the market across public clouds and various deployment types.</P> Market Presentation Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Deepika Giri, Swapnil Shende C2G Market Presentation: Business Intelligence Software Tools and Platforms in Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan), 2024 <P>This IDC Market Presentation provides an overview of the changing landscape of advanced and predictive analytics software, business intelligence software, and location and geospatial intelligence functions in Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) (APEJ). By demonstrating how vendors in APEJ address buyer needs, the document presents a unique perspective on vendor market shares — country-specific and comparative views of technology trends over the past three years — supported by insights from buyers and end users.</P> Market Presentation Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Deepika Giri, Swapnil Shende European Predictive, Advanced, and Visual Analytics Software Vendor Shares, 2024 <P>The terms "data and analytics software" and "predictive, advanced visualization analytics software" are used in this document to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness in describing software functionalities and features. "Data and analytics software" indicates the broad categorization, whereas "predictive, advanced visualization analytics software" specifies particular advanced capabilities within the broader category.</P><P>"The combination of data democratization and GenAI is indeed a powerful force driving the acceleration of the data and analytics market in Europe, as it enhances the accessibility, capability, and overall effectiveness of data analytics across organizations." — Senior Market Analyst Wiktor Markiewicz, IDC EMEA</P> Market Share Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Giovanni Cervellati, Wiktor Markiewicz IDC Enterprise Infrastructure Pulse, 1Q24: Market Opportunities — Executive Summary <P>This IDC Market Presentation is an executive summary of IDC's 1Q24 <I>Enterprise Infrastructure Pulse Survey</I> findings. The survey draws upon in-depth insights gathered from experts responsible for purchasing compute platforms and infrastructure. Taking the pulse of the enterprise IT market, the 1Q24 <I>Enterprise Infrastructure Pulse Survey</I> offers valuable insights into IT customers' current and future infrastructure investments in computing systems, platforms, and technologies. Topics covered include compute procurement strategies, server automation strategies and benefits, server utilization and upgrade/refresh rates, challenges and limitations related to on-premises compute infrastructure, use of accelerated computing, virtual machines and containers, workloads and workload deployment locations, mainframe computing, server security, and confidential computing. Delivered quarterly, this product is focused on better understanding what drives customer behavior for enterprise IT infrastructure procurement on a worldwide basis across different buyer personas. Enterprise Infrastructure Pulse is a companion product to the Infrastructure Trends and Strategies: Enterprise Workloads CIS.</P> Market Presentation Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Chris Drake, Kuba Stolarski Is Synthetic Data Becoming a Reality for the Life Sciences Industry? <P>This IDC Perspective reviews the growing importance of synthetic data, examines the strengths and the challenges posed by the use of SD, discusses the key players, and provides guidance to tech buyers on the use of SD.</P><P>"The real and virtual worlds are slowly coalescing. The time is coming when synthetic data will become real data, and it will soon be a game changer in accelerating approvals and reducing costs for the life sciences industry. The biggest challenge will not be the technology, but the willingness to adopt the use of synthetic data by the life sciences and healthcare industries," said Dr. Nimita Limaye, research vice president, Life Sciences R&D Strategy and Technology, IDC.</P> IDC Perspective Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Nimita Limaye Key Takeaways from IDC's European Data and Intelligence Xchange 2024 Market Note Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Duncan Brown, Giovanni Cervellati, Archana Venkatraman, Neil Ward-Dutton, Ewa Zborowska Roche Turns to a Data Mesh to Democratize Data Ownership and Accelerate Decision Making <P>This IDC Perspective focuses on how Roche, one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, was awarded IDC's Future Enterprise Best in Future of Intelligence EMEA Award for its enterprise self-service data platform. This secure data platform supports granular access control at both the central and domain levels.</P><P>“Roche has been a pioneering pharmaceutical company for 125 years, and its win of IDC's Future Enterprise Best in Future of Intelligence EMEA Award 2024 for its centralized data mesh shows how it continues to innovate with the latest technology on its data transformation journey,” Jason Stamper, European Research Manager, Data Integration, Intelligence and Platforms. </P> Market Perspective Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Archana Venkatraman, Jason Stamper Shared Cloud Infrastructure Spending Continues to Accelerate, Fueled by AI-Related Spending in the First Quarter of 2024, According to IDC Worldwide spending on compute and storage infrastructure products for cloud deployments, including dedicated and shared IT environments, increased 36.9% year over year in Q1 2024, according to the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Enterprise Infrastructure Tracker: Buyer and Cloud Deployment. Tracker Press Release Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics Software Market Shares, 2023: AI/ML Continues to Transform the Analytics Market <P>This IDC study discusses the market sizing and vendor shares of the business intelligence and analytics (BIA) software market, including vendor revenue for 2021–2023 and the corresponding shares and growth rates of the largest vendors worldwide. In this study, we split the BIA software market into two functional markets: advanced and predictive analytics (APA) and business intelligence (BI) software.</P><P>"The BIA software market continues to evolve as vendors introduce more AI/ML features as well as GenAI. Making insights available to a broader group of business users will continue to dominate this market resulting in organizations making investments to empower business users to leverage embedded or self-service analytics. The need for decision velocity will drive improvements in data literacy and data culture." — Megha Kumar, research VP, Analytics and AI, IDC</P> Market Share Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Megha Kumar CIO数据治理指南:数据分析与挖掘 <P>在AI无处不在的数字化浪潮下,数据已成为企业最宝贵的资产之一。在这个背景下,首席信息官(CIO)作为企业信息化建设的领军人物,做好企业数据分析与挖掘工作显得尤为必要。数据分析不仅能帮助企业洞察市场趋势、优化业务流程,还能提升决策效率和准确性,从而增强企业的竞争力。据IDC预测,到2025年,65%的CIO将优先关注战略数据管理,并培育以数据为中心的组织文化,构筑数字竞争的差异化能力。</P><P>IDC中国高级研究经理李鑫表示:“在这个数据为王、智能至上的时代,数据不仅是企业决策的基石,更是推动创新、引领变革的引擎。通过企业数据分析与挖掘能力的打磨,CIO能助力企业洞悉市场风向、预测行业趋势,为企业战略规划提供有力支撑。为此,CIO需以更加开放的心态、更加创新的思维,拥抱AI技术,推动数据分析与挖掘工作的深入发展。”</P> Tech Buyer Presentation Thu, 27 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Finn Li