rsscloudcomputing IDC RSS alerts 2H23 Australia and New Zealand Software Compete — AI Platforms (Historical and Forecast) <P>This IDC Market Presentation summarises the performance of the AI platforms software market across Australia and New Zealand in 2H23 and discusses key market dynamics over the forecast period (2024–2028). This document analyses vendor positioning, competitive strategies, key market trends, and provides quantitative information on market sizing and vendor shares. </P><P>In this market presentation, all data and insights are based on IDC's Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker (2H23 release). </P> Market Presentation Tue, 16 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Anastasia Antonova 2H23 Asia/Pacific Software Compete — Software-Defined Compute (Historical and Forecast) <P>This IDC Market Presentation examines the state and future direction of the software-defined compute market in the Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan and China) (APEJC) region. It provides an analysis of vendor strategies, competitive positioning, key market trends, as well as quantitative data on vendor shares and size of the market from 2022 to 2027. </P><P>The data and insights within this presentation are part of IDC's Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker (2H23 release). </P> Market Presentation Mon, 15 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Srishti SINGH IDC:AI+数字孪生——城市虚实共生新篇章 北京,2024年7月11日——IDC于近日发布了《中国数字孪生解决方案市场份额,2023》( Doc#CHC50978424 ,2024年6月) ,本研究聚焦于中国数字孪生解决方案市场,着重分析了数字孪生解决方案市场的市场环境与竞争态势,给出了整体市场以及数字孪生平台、GIS平台两个子市场的市场规模与核心厂商市场份额,并介绍了行业内的核心解决方案提供商。 Research Press Release Mon, 15 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Workday DevCon 2024: Focused on Helping Developers Deliver Value on Extend <P>This IDC Market Perspective discusses the fourth iteration of Workday's annual developer-centric conference DevCon which was held on June 4–6, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The conference was focused on customer and partner developers and their use of the Workday platform for building apps that add value to Workday implementations. Product announcements and discussions were focused on developer enablement, new AI-based capabilities, responsible AI, and commercial optimization via the Built on Workday program. </P><P>"Workday continues to invest in making developers on its platform more productive," said Adam Reeves, research director, PaaS for Developers of Modern and Edge Applications at IDC. "The company's announcements at DevCon 2024 were largely focused on developer enablement and helping Extend developers more efficiently deliver advanced apps on the Workday platform."</P> Market Perspective Mon, 15 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Adam Reeves Worldwide Location and Geospatial Data Management and Analytics Software Market Shares, 2023: Rising Tide Lifting All Ships <P>This IDC study contains estimated market shares for the worldwide location and geospatial data management and analytics software market for 2023. It includes commentary on growth of the market, emerging trends, and actionable advice for suppliers of this software and related markets such as database management, cloud storage and computation, and business analytics.</P><P>"With all top vendors reporting growth and the market witnessing dynamic expansion, especially among smaller firms, the sector is poised for continued advancement, driven by broader adoption and technological innovations such as artificial intelligence," Lynne Schneider, research director, Location and Geospatial Intelligence, IDC.</P> Market Share Mon, 15 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Lynne Schneider 生成式AI+低代码:探索新一代开发范式 <P>低代码开发平台与生成式人工智能的融合正在通过降低技术门槛、提高开发效率以及促进更智能、更人性化的应用开发来彻底改变应用开发领域。这种融合促进了从AI辅助编码到智能应用搭建等一系列场景的发展,并带来了以AI Agent为代表的AI原生应用模式。预示着未来开发将更加便捷、高效,并与业务需求保持一致。然而,要充分实现这一潜力,还需要解决用户意识、准确性、数据安全和成本等方面的挑战。</P><P>"生成式AI与低代码的融合为应用开发开辟了新的方向,转变了开发范式,使其更加包容、高效和创新。这种融合不仅推动了全民开发,让更广泛的开发者能够参与其中,还推动了行业向未来演进。智能应用开发平台将是低代码乃至开发技术的下一站。生成式AI具备巨大的潜力,它将改变企业数字化建设的方式,甚至重塑行业,这预示着一个技术赋能新时代的到来。"——IDC中国高级市场分析师王彦翔表示。</P> IDC Perspective Mon, 15 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Bryan Wang HPE and HPE Financial Services in the AI Era, where as-a-Service and Circular Economy Strategies Drive Revenue IDC Link Fri, 12 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Lara Greden IDC's Worldwide Cloud Application Deployment Platforms Taxonomy, 2024 <P>This IDC study sets forth IDC's definition of the worldwide cloud application deployment platforms competitive market. The products, vendors, and revenue covered by this taxonomy represent a subset of IDC's functional market taxonomies. The competitive market is described in terms of technology areas and includes definitions and a sample list of representative vendors and offerings for each functional market segment represented in the competitive market.</P><P>"The cloud application deployment platforms taxonomy showcases how the application development and deployment process continues to evolve, providing a wide range of benefits to different personas across development and operations, particularly developers," said Matthew Flug, research manager, Cloud Application Deployment Platforms at IDC. "PaaS platforms are becoming increasingly popular as IDPs as organizations recognize the need for a single pane of glass that abstracts unnecessary tasks, empowering developers to focus on building modern applications that deliver an enhanced experience to users. Various technologies and services within the cloud application deployment platforms market have enabled technology buyers to achieve a faster go-to-market approach in developing cloud-native modern applications and modernizing existing applications."</P> Taxonomy Fri, 12 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Matthew Flug Japan 3rd Platform Forecast by Vertical Segment and Company Size, 2024–2028 <P>This IDC study classifies domestic industries into 21 industry sectors, including 17 categories of businesses, and 4 categories of nonbusiness: central government, local governments, education, and consumers. It also presents the actual (2023) and forecast (2024-2028) 3rd Platform spending in each sector. Likewise, the document analyzes the market across five employee size segments and provides forecast data for 3rd Platform spending by industry vertical and employee size. The market forecasts used in this document take into account the impact of regional conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, as well as economic trends such as inflation and the weak yen.</P><P>In the construction and transportation industries, caps on overtime work, which had been waived because of issues with the nature of work and trade practices, would come into effect in April 2024. Ko Shikita, research manager at Verticals and Cross Technologies, IDC Japan, said, "For these businesses, it is likely that awareness of reducing overtime hours will increase not only among onsite workers but throughout the company. IT suppliers should review their solutions, including those that previously had the primary objectives of reducing costs and ensuring safety, from the perspective of contribution to reducing overtime hours, and seek to expand opportunities for the employee experience solutions business."</P><P>This is the English translation of the Japanese document #JPJ52028024.</P> Market Forecast Fri, 12 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Ko Shikita, Hitoshi Ichimura Digital-Native Business Survey, 2024: Part 1 — Target Markets, Business Priorities, Challenges, and Leadership Driving Digital Innovation <P>This IDC Survey document is based on 1,271 responses from digital-native businesses (DNBs), start-ups, and scale-ups to IDC's 2024 <I>Digital</I><I>-</I><I>Native Business Survey</I>. It explores which technologies power DNB offerings and the target markets for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) organizations. We also examine how DNBs are faring in revenue growth and their chief concerns in spending technology budgets, the biggest external influences impacting the tech investment of DNBs, top KPIs measured, and the roles in charge of their digital strategies. This IDC Survey document also offers up recommendations for technology suppliers that are targeting the digital-native business, start-ups, and scale-up market. </P> IDC Survey Thu, 11 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Craig Powers