rsssmb IDC RSS alerts How Are Approaches to Virtual Workplace Content Management Progressing in Europe? <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights an extract from IDC's <I>European Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions (IPDS) Survey</I>, conducted in May 2024 among 2,009 respondents from France, Germany, the U.K., Italy, Spain, the Nordics (Denmark, Finland, and Sweden), Czechia, and Poland. </P><P>This survey covered topics such as print hardware and print services provider selection criteria, adopted and preferred contract types, print volume drivers and inhibitors, attitudes to ink-tank printers, recycling/remanufacturing/refurbishing, scanning, content management, esignature, print security, cloud-based device/print management, remote assistance, and augmented reality. </P><P>Survey analyses are available by region, company size, industry, types of decision-maker and types of print contract. For further information, please contact your IDC Account Manager.</P> IDC Survey Spotlight Tue, 16 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Sharon McNee SMB Planned Finance and ERP Investments by Industry, 2024 <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight explores planned finance and ERP investment by SMB industry. Financial management and business operations tools such as accounting, invoicing, and ERP systems are a popular planned investment area among all SMBs. However, specific priorities vary greatly by industry. </P> IDC Survey Spotlight Tue, 09 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Katie Evans Back to Basics for Martech Vendors Targeting SMB Organizations? <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the distinct concerns that smaller organizations (100-999 employees) have regarding areas for martech vendor improvement. Martech vendors targeting the small business sector often overlook essential technical needs, favoring the promotion of exciting, advanced features that may not align with core requirements.</P><P>Despite the appeal of functionalities such as personalization, workflow optimization, reporting, and ease of use, these desirable features are often overshadowed by more critical, foundational IT-related challenges. The situation is further complicated by the hype surrounding AI and advanced customer journey orchestration, which tends to divert attention from the fundamental capabilities that SMB organizations truly need and that many vendors neglect to address.</P><P>This document, combined with additional CX Path insights highlighting buyer preferences and a desire for innovation, presents a significant opportunity for martech vendors to address the unique needs of the SMB market with tailored solutions rather than shiny objects and repurposed enterprise tools.</P><P>2024 is the first year for IDC's <I>CX Path Survey</I>. Further data cuts and cross-tabs can be found in <I>CX Path 2024: Worldwide Banner Book</I> (IDC #<B><A href="/getdoc.jsp?containerId=US52319224">US52319224</A></B>, June 2024). Survey coverage includes application adoption, deployment models, budget plans and replacement cycle timing, purchasing preferences and attitudes toward SaaS buying channels, packaging and pricing options, and in-depth vendor reviews, ratings, and spend and advocacy scores for 13 application markets, which, in addition to advertising and marketing, include digital commerce, product information management, configure price quote, and customer service.</P> IDC Survey Spotlight Wed, 03 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Roger Beharry Lall Syniverse International Roaming Outage Highlights the Complex, Integrated, and Vendor-Driven Nature of Global Cellular Network Connectivity <P>While the outage of international roaming services stemming from Syniverse and the peering partner that impacted travelers at the end of June was short lived, it comes in a year amid a year that has seen a number of different cellular network outages. Despite the perception that operators build, own, operate, and are fully responsible for their individual networks, the outage demonstrates how much mobile operators' successful delivery of connectivity hinges on a complex, interconnected choreography of vendors with different competencies to deliver seamless connectivity. </P> IDC Link Wed, 03 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Jason Leigh, Courtney Munroe Walled Gardens May Be Popular But Are They Effective Advertising Channels? <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the low efficacy that brands report from so-called walled garden advertising channels. Extracted from the Advertising Technology track of IDC's 2024 <I>CX Path Survey,</I> the data reveals that despite their popularity, brands question the effectiveness of walled garden channels relative to other, more open, options.</P><P>This IDC Survey Spotlight also emphasizes the growing interest of brands in social advertising, which can deliver hyper-personalized content to novel segments. Interestingly, CTV and RMN channels did not perform as well, indicating significant opportunities for growth as these channels mature and demonstrate their efficacy.</P><P>This document, coupled with additional CX Path insights highlighting buyer preferences, reveals a sector ripe for change. This presents a significant opportunity for programmatic vendors to drive new growth through data-driven, integrated, open, and performance-oriented offerings.</P><P>2024 is the first year for IDC's <I>CX Path Survey</I>. Further data cuts and cross-tabs can be found in <I>CX Path 2024: Worldwide Banner Book</I> (IDC #<B><A href="/getdoc.jsp?containerId=US52319224">US52319224</A></B>, June 2024). Survey coverage includes application adoption, deployment models, budget plans and replacement cycle timing, purchasing preferences and attitudes toward SaaS buying channels, packaging and pricing options, and in-depth vendor reviews, ratings, and spend and advocacy scores for 13 application markets, which, in addition to advertising and marketing, include digital commerce, product information management, configure price quote, and customer service.</P> IDC Survey Spotlight Wed, 03 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Roger Beharry Lall 2024年 国内IT市場 SMB、地域別における第3のプラットフォーム市場、DX向けIT支出動向分析 <P>本調査レポートは、国内企業における第3のプラットフォームの利用動向、およびデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)の取り組みの動向に関して、従業員規模別と地域別で比較、分析したものである。まず、2024年2月に実施した「国内ユーザー企業調査」における利用動向などの調査結果を分析し、従業員規模、地域別の第3のプラットフォームソリューションの利活用とDXの取り組みに関する動向を検証する。また、国内第3のプラットフォーム市場の従業員規模別、地域別予測データのほか、従業員規模別、地域別のDXの展望も提供する。</P><P>各企業で抱える人材不足の課題の深刻化に加えて、インボイス制度、電子帳簿保存法などの制度対応を契機として、これまで取り組みが遅れていた中堅企業、中小企業、ならびに大都市圏以外の地域の企業でクラウドシフト、AIの活用などの第3のプラットフォーム関連の支出が拡大し、DXの取り組みに着手している。ただし、地域を問わず小企業、小規模企業の企業では、経営体力、デジタル化を推進する人材/ノウハウの不足などの要因に加えて自社の企業文化や慣習の変革を促すDXに抵抗感を抱く現場や経営層の理解が得られないため着手できないケースが依然として多い。したがって、「ITサプライヤーは、小企業、小規模企業へのデジタル化、DX推進を円滑に行うために自社だけではなく、地方自治体、地域金融機関などと連携した提案、販売体制の構築が重要であり、それを円滑に行うためにプラットフォーム作りに注力すべきである」とIDC Japan、Verticals & Cross Technologiesのシニアリサーチマネージャーである市村 仁は述べている。</P> Market Perspective Tue, 02 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Hitoshi Ichimura IDC PlanScape: Micromobility Insurance to Unlock Net-New Revenue Streams <P>This IDC PlanScape highlights the opportunity in micromobility driven by the rapid shift in urban mobility, with shared micromobility becoming essential. Insurers have a significant chance to unlock new markets as the micromobility insurance sector grows to meet increasing demand. By adopting data-driven policies and leveraging IoT technologies, insurers can provide affordable and flexible coverage as well as enhance safety, aligning with the expanding micromobility landscape and supporting global sustainability goals. </P><P>"In the evolving micromobility industry, collaboration between operators and forward-thinking insurers will be crucial," said Davide Palanza, research manager, IDC Financial Insights. "By embracing data-driven policies and innovative technologies, the sector can overcome the challenges of high insurance costs and regulatory uncertainty, paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient urban mobility ecosystem."</P> IDC PlanScape Mon, 01 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Davide Palanza What Drives SMBs to Adopt Corporate-Liable Policies for Mobile Services? <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight analyzes results from IDC's <I>SMB Communications Services Survey,</I> an online survey of 500 United States–based small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The document highlights and discusses the views of SMBs relative to the deployment of corporate-liable mobile services for employees.</P> IDC Survey Spotlight Fri, 21 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Jason Blackwell U.S. SMB Wireline Voice and Data Market Shares, 2023: Cable Growth Continues But at a Slower Pace <P>This IDC study provides vendor market shares for the U.S. SMB wireline voice and data market for 2023.</P><P>"SMBs recognize the need to invest in technologies and services to solve business problems and stay connected to customers. This provides an attractive opportunity for vendors of voice and data communications services," says Jason Blackwell, research director, SMB Communications Services at IDC. "However, communications service providers need to be able to customize solutions, focus on business outcomes, and help SMBs navigate the multitude of technology choices to maximize their return on investment."</P> Market Share Thu, 20 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Jason Blackwell 2024年 国内SMBネットワークサービス市場動向:企業WANとクラウド型セキュリティの利用実態と展望 <P>本調査レポートは、企業のリモートワークの状況と、WAN(Wide Area Network)、インターネット接続およびクラウド型セキュリティの利用実態を、IDCが実施したネットワーク管理者に対するWebアンケート調査とITベンダーへの取材の結果を基に分析する。特に、SMB(Small and Medium-sized Business:中堅中小企業)における実態を従業員規模の観点から深掘りしている。WANでは、企業ユーザーの閉域網サービスへの信頼は依然として厚く、継続的な利用意向がうかがえる。利用するインターネット回線では、10Gbpsサービスと、1Gbps~10Gbpsの間に位置する中間帯域のサービスが存在感を示している。クラウド型セキュリティでは導入に進展が見られるが、SMBでのさらなる採用には、IT担当者の負担を低減するサプライヤー側の取り組みと、マーケティングにおけるその取り組みの訴求が重要とみている。</P><P>「従業員のオフィス回帰が進んだ一方、従来よりも少ない頻度ながらリモートワークを行う従業員も存在する。働く場所は分散したままであり、IT担当者にとって従業員のサポートは依然として困難である。通信事業者やネットワークサービスプロバイダーは、自社サービスが提供する、リモートワークユーザーのエクスペリエンスの最適化を実現する管理ツールを、優先的に訴求すべきである。また、クラウド型セキュリティでは、導入後のライフサイクルに渡る負担低減の仕組みを示すことで、サービスを継続利用するビジョンをSMBが持てるようにすべきである」とIDC Japan、Infrastructure & Devicesのシニアリサーチアナリストである水上 貴博は述べている。</P> Market Perspective Wed, 05 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Takahiro Mizukami