Asia/Pacific Enterprise Applications and Strategies

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Photo of Estelle Quek
Estelle Quek

Senior Research Manager

This Asia/Pacific Enterprise Applications and Strategies research program provides an extensive assessment of on-premises, cloud-based applications and software-as-a service market that is evolving rapidly to suit the requirements of digital businesses. Get deep insights about current and emerging trends, technology buying behavior, and investment outlook while identifying revenue growth opportunities, go-to-market strategies, and market share for technology vendors. Learn more about competitive dynamics and evolving opportunities across Asia/Pacific for primary and functional markets of enterprise resource planning (ERP), enterprise resource management (ERM), customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM), human capital management (HCM), financial, collaborative, content workflow, and management applications.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Next-generation enterprise applications and suites, including enterprise resource planning, enterprise resource management, digital commerce, human capital, financial accounting, and professional services automation
  • SaaS, cloud-enabled, and on-premises applications and systems
  • Technology buyer selection of applications, suites and intelligent ERP, intelligent applications, and systems
  • Modernization, rationalization, and transformation requirements for software applications and systems
  • Software and workload automation
  • AI-infused software applications and the impact of generative AI
  • Value-driven workflows
  • DX and digital resiliency enabled by next-generation applications
  • Key trends in the software domain: AI/GenAI-augmented software

Core Research

  • IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Intelligent Applications 2025 Predictions — Asia/Pacific Implications
  • IDC FutureScape: Intelligent Applications 2025 Predictions — Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Implications: Positioning for Success — Opportunities for Tech Sales and Marketing Leaders
  • Asia/Pacific Digital Organizations Leveraging Intelligent Enterprise Applications to Compete and to Achieve Outcomes at Scale
  • Enterprise Resource Management and Enterprise Resource Planning Applications Modernization
  • Trends Impacting Asia/Pacific Technology Buyers' Selection of Software and Software-as-a-Service Vendors
  • IDC Playbook for Tech Sales Leaders: Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Intelligent Enterprise Application Growth Opportunities
  • Asia/Pacific Market Analysis Perspective on GenAI-Augmented Enterprise Applications and Pricing Strategies
  • Asia/Pacific Revenue Management App Market Share
  • Asia/Pacific Enterprise Resource Planning Applications Market Share
  • Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Financial Applications Market Share
  • IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Cloud-Based and SaaS ERP Applications Vendor Assessment 2025

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the business and technology priorities that drive technology buyers' software buying behavior?
  2. What are the challenges Asia/Pacific organizations face, and what do they require from technology vendors?
  3. Where are the best opportunities — in which countries, industries, and segments?
  4. Who are the market leaders, competitors, and future leaders in the software universe?
  5. What business and technology strategies are driving organizations to migrate to the cloud, repatriate workloads, consider emerging technologies, modernize their software estate, or transform their processes?
  6. What are the key market forces impacting software purchase and implementation strategies?