Asia/Pacific xOps Evolution and Technology Strategies

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Photo of Dhiraj Pramod Badgujar
Dhiraj Pramod Badgujar

Sr. Research Manager

IDC's Asia/Pacific: xOps Evolution and Technology Strategies program provides insights and guidance on how to improve and optimize the performance and efficiency of software development and IT operations by utilizing advanced and data-driven techniques to meet the future demands of the software development life cycle. Technology vendors focus on how to embrace and support/encourage digital innovation by delivering enabling technologies to them via software solutions, development tools, and xOps tooling (DevOps, DevSecOps, DataOps, AIOps, MLOps, and platform engineering).

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • xOps (DataOps, DevOps, DevSecOps, AIOps, MLOps, platform engineering, site reliability engineering, and systems administrator) adoption drivers, benefits, and use cases
  • Analysis of xOps tools and market
  • Evolving approaches and practices in DevSecOps, AIOps, and DataOps
  • xOps' impact on DX, internal processes, and staffing resources
  • IT operations management including operations analytics, observability, application performance management, and infrastructure monitoring software
  • APJ (country-level insights for Australia, India, China, Singapore, Vietnam, and ASEAN countries)

Core Research

  • Asia/Pacific Software Survey
  • Securing the AI and ML Software Development Life Cycle: The Evolution of AISecOps
  • AP: DevOps, DevSecOps and Platform Engineering Practices, Tooling, and Perception
  • Harnessing AIOps for IT Operations: Vendor Strategies and Implementation Best Practices

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the primary xOps drivers, benefits, and use cases?
  2. What are the enterprise best practices for efficient and effective xOps implementation and sustainability?
  3. To support DevOps and DevSecOps, in which of the following areas will your organization invest in over the next two years?
  4. To what extent have AIOps, MLOps, DataOps, and GitOps have been adopted by your organization?
  5. What challenges do you face when implementing AIOps, MLOps, or DataOps practices?