Asia/Pacific Software Team

Sandra Ng

Group Vice President and General Manager

Sungmin Jo

Research Analyst

Franco Chiam

Vice President

Daniel-Zoe Jimenez

Vice President, Digital Innovation, CX & Software, DNB/Start-ups, SMBs, Consumer and Channels Research

Chris Zhang

Research Director, IDC Asia/Pacific Software Research Group.

Daphne Chung

Research Director, Cloud Services and Software Research, IDC Asia/Pacific

Avneesh Saxena

Group Vice President, Domain Research Group, IDC Asia/Pacific

Supriya Deka

Sr. Market Analyst

Gurpal Singh

Senior Research Manager

Shirley Tsai

Senior Research Manager

Daisy Wan

Market Analyst

Neha Gupta

Senior Research Manager

Abhishek Kumar

Associate Research Director

New Research

  • By:  Abhishek Kumar Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation containing the Industry Digital Transformation (DX) Market Forecast provides technology suppliers with an overview of Asia/Pacific regional banking spending for DX and insights into the market context influencin...
  • By:  Abhishek Kumar Loading

    This Industry Analysis Perspective is designed to provide technology sellers' sales, marketers, and product and channel managers with foundational insight into the banking industry in Asia/Pacific in 2024. By understanding how the business ...
  • By: 

    • Shouvik Nag Loading
    • Daphne Chung Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation provides insight into the current state and future trends in the cloud market in Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) (APE) and focuses on cloud platform services/platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solution areas. Developer...
  • By:  Daphne Chung Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation provides a view of digital sovereignty in the Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) (APEJ) region. IDC defines digital sovereignty as "the capacity for digital self-determination by nations, organizations, and individu...
  • By:  Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading

    This IDC Market Note provides an insightful overview of the Infor Innovation Summit held in New York City on March 18 and 19, 2024, emphasizing the Asia/Pacific (including Japan) (APJ) perspective. The event showcased Infor’s strategic dire...
  • By:  Daphne Chung Loading

    This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the gap between Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) (APEJ) and worldwide (WW) organizations regarding the maturity of digital sovereignty state and the impact of it deriving value from generative AI (GenAI) a...
  • By: 

    • Dhiraj Pramod Badgujar Loading
    • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading
    This IDC Survey Spotlight explores the adoption of AI for IT operations (AIOps) in Asia/Pacific. Automation as a technology investment subject remains popular in Asia/Pacific as businesses develop their operations throughout the enterprise....
  • By:  Gurpal Singh Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation examines the state and future direction of the endpoint security software market in the Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan and China) (APEJC) region. It provides an analysis of vendor strategies, competitive position...
  • By: 

    • Andy Ye Loading
    • Shirley Tsai Loading
    • Yvette Lin Loading
    This IDC Presentation provides an in-depth analysis of the public cloud services market in Taiwan from July to December 2023 (2H23). It analyzes key market trends, market share by product category, and key vendor strategies in the infrastru...
  • By:  Gurpal Singh Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation examines the state and future direction of the security software market in the Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan and China) (APEJC) region. It provides an analysis of vendor strategies, competitive positioning, key ...

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