Asia/Pacific Emerging Technology Advisory Services Team

Jackson Chen

Research Analyst

Sandra Ng

Group Vice President and General Manager

Daniel-Zoe Jimenez

Vice President, Digital Innovation, CX & Software, DNB/Start-ups, SMBs, Consumer and Channels Research

Lily Li

Research Manager

Wency Yang

Senior Market Analyst

Catherine Hong

Senior Market Analyst

New Research

  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Alan Webber Loading
    • Amita Potnis
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Holly Muscolino Loading
    • Paul Hughes Loading
    • Jeffrey Hojlo Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    • Susan G. Middleton
    • Lara Greden Loading
    • Chandana Gopal
    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    • Al Gillen
    • George Mironescu Loading
    • Carla Arend Loading
    • Leif Eriksen
    • Robert Parker Loading
    • Thomas Meyer Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Meredith Whalen Loading
    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    • Serge Findling
    • Avneesh Saxena Loading
    This IDC study presents the top 10 predictions and key drivers for the IT industry for the next five years. It highlights the midterm and long-term challenges that enterprise IT teams face as they define, build, and govern the technologies ...
  • By: 

    • Catherine Hong Loading
    • James Wang Loading
    IDC 中国区块链高级市场分析师洪婉婷表示:“各地方政府工作规划、政务服务发展需求不断推动着区块链在政府行业的应用推广,但关于区块链是什么、能干什么、成本投入过大、硬件要求高、技术与业务融合仍需探索等一系列问题,仍让很多政府机构在区块链技术的应用上充满顾虑踌躇不前。研究中司法、数据共享互通、政务服务提升三方面的案例,以实践验证了集成区块链技术的可行性、效果与长远意义。同时,在建设过程中,技术买家应选择拥有类似案例的技术提供商、以特色产业作为业务切入进行试点、拉动生态共同参与,...
  • By: 

    • Shawn Fitzgerald
    • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading
    • Serge Findling
    • Yukiharu Yorifuji Loading
    • Megha Kumar Loading
    • Lianfeng Wu Loading
    • Giulia Carosella Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Robert Parker Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Meredith Whalen Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for digital transformation for 2021."Even though we are experiencing a global pandemic, direct digital transformation (DX) investment is still growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) ...
  • By:  Sandra Ng Loading

    This IDC Perspective outlines the IDC's new crisis to recovery framework. In the last four to six weeks, an increasing pool of organizations in Asia/Pacific have begun their recovery journeys. The move from response to recovery presents new...
  • By: 

    • Holly Muscolino Loading
    • Robert Palmer Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Marci Maddox Loading
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Marianne Kolding
    • Wayne Kurtzman Loading
    • Shannon Kalvar Loading
    • Phil Hochmuth Loading
    • Remy Glaisner
    • Megan Buttita
    • Angela Salmeron Loading
    This IDC Perspective reviews the challenges that organizations face as they transition to the new work experience and presents a framework for addressing those challenges. As organizations accelerate and expand digital transformation (DX) i...
  • By: 

    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Lianfeng Wu Loading
    • Dan Vesset Loading
    • Eileen Smith Loading
    • Craig Simpson
    • Swapnil Shende Loading
    • Joseph C. Pucciarelli
    • Kevin Prouty Loading
    • Robert Parker Loading
    • Tony Olvet Loading
    • Adelaide O'Brien
    • Gard Little Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Megha Kumar Loading
    • Ritu Jyoti Loading
    • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading
    • Jordan Jewell
    • Leslie Hand Loading
    • Oscar Guzman
    • Jorge Gomez
    • Shawn Fitzgerald
    • Serge Findling
    • Lynne Dunbrack Loading
    • Yukiharu Yorifuji Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for digital transformation for 2020."Direct digital transformation (DX) investment is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.5% from 2020 to 2023 and is expected to approach $7...

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