Big Data, Analytics and Cognitive Team

David Schubmehl

Research Vice President, Conversational Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Knowledge Discovery

Maureen Fleming

Program VP, Worldwide Intelligent Process Automation Market Research and Advisory Service

Rohit Mehra

Group Vice President, Network and Telecommunications

Rick Villars

Group Vice President Worldwide Research

Rob Brothers

Program Vice President, Datacenter and Support Services

Dave Pearson

Research Vice President, Storage and Converged Systems, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Nigel Wallis

Research VP, Americas Industry Insights

Carla Arend

AVP, Cloud Research, Europe

Philip Carter

GVP/GM, Tech Buyer Digital Platform Research

Pavel Roland

Research Director, Storage, Systems & Infrastructure Solutions, CEMA

Ranjit Rajan

Vice President, Research (META), IDC

Vladimir Kroa

Associate Vice President, Sustainability

Daniel-Zoe Jimenez

Vice President, Digital Innovation, CX & Software, DNB/Start-ups, SMBs, Consumer and Channels Research

Anastasia Antonova

Research Manager

Dr. Chris Marshall

Vice President, Data, Analytics, AI, Sustainability, and Industry Research

Shirley Tsai

Senior Research Manager

Victor Lim

Group Vice President, Consulting Operations, IDC Asia/Pacific

Chris Zhang

Research Director, IDC Asia/Pacific Software Research Group.

Takashi Manabe

Senior Research Director, Software/Service Solutions, Data & Analytics, IDC Japan

Alejandro Florean

Vice President Consulting & Strategic Solutions, Latin America

Robert Palmer

Research Vice President, Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions

Yanxia Lu

Research Director

Dan Vesset

Group Vice President, Analytics and Information Management

Carl W. Olofson

Research Vice President, Data Management Software

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ritu Jyoti

Group Vice President/General Manager, Worldwide Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Data and Analytics Research Practice

Hayley Sutherland

Research Manager, Conversational AI & Intelligent Knowledge Discovery

Mary Johnston Turner

Research Vice President, Digital Infrastructure Strategies, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By:  Robert Palmer Loading

    This IDC Survey Spotlight examines data collected from IDC's 2023 U.S. Print and Cloud Security End-User Survey. The survey was designed to identify how factors such as hybrid work, cloud, and zero trust are influencing print and document s...
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    • Vijay Bhagavath
    • Rohit Mehra Loading
    We recap key insights on generative AI and cloud networking that we inferred from the keynotes, industry analyst summit presentations, and our primary research at the Expo floor — at AWS re:Invent, held in Las Vegas last week.
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    • Charles Tamayo
    • Dhiraj Pramod Badgujar Loading
    • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading
    This IDC Perspective discusses the nomination details of the Special Award for Digital Innovation winner from the IDC Future Enterprise Awards 2023 in Asia/Pacific with how generative AI (GenAI) can impact organizations moving forward.“Agil...
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    • Alison Close
    • Dorothy Creamer Loading
    • Frank Della Rosa Loading
    • Jennifer Hamel Loading
    • Philip D. Harris, CISSP, CCSK Loading
    • Vladimir Kroa Loading
    • Amy Cravens Loading
    • Nimita Limaye Loading
    • Michael Townsend Loading
    • Craig Robinson Loading
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Grace Trinidad Loading
    This IDC Market Perspective describes the key takeaways from the recently held PwC 2023 Analyst Day. PwC held the event in Boston, September 13 and 14, 2023, and presented a wide range of updates across all areas of its business, as well as...
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    • Len Li Loading
    • Yanxia Lu Loading
    本IDC PeerScape报告根据案例收集甄选,并对相应的IT负责人或领导者进行访谈,形成最终报告及观点。以某大型商业银行个人业务核心为例,介绍面对数据库升级后与传统硬件兼容性低、浪费硬件性能挑战时,通过软硬一体化改造的方式完成全栈Oracle替换;以中国移动某政企支撑核心为例,介绍在数据库迁移改造过程中关注迁移改造效率、降低项目风险的具体实践;以海底捞进销存系统为例,介绍面向C端场景资源占用弹性大、并发要求高等挑战,通过公有云方案降本增效;以招商银行和某全国性股份制商业银...
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    • Stewart Bond Loading
    • Dr. Chris Marshall Loading
    This IDC Market Glance offers a high-level view of the emerging generative AI (GenAI) technology and services landscape, with a focus on three categories of technologies: model build and orchestration, application development and deployment...
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    • Heather West, PhD Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    At IBM Quantum Summit 2023, IBM made several announcements regarding the company's recent advancements along its quantum computing hardware road map. These advancements further IBM's commitment to making quantum accessible and useful for no...
  • By:  Yanxia Lu Loading

  • By:  Rohit Mehra Loading

    On November 15, 2023, Cisco announced earnings results for its fiscal year 2024 first quarter, which coincide with the third quarter of the 2023 calendar year. Revenue in the quarter increased at a healthy 8% year-over-year (y/y) rate, but ...
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    • Charles Tamayo
    • Supriya Deka Loading
    • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading
    This IDC Perspective discusses the nomination details of the Special Award for Digital-Native Business winner from the IDC Future Enterprise Awards 2023 in Asia/Pacific with how generative AI (GenAI) can impact organizations moving forward....

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