IT Executive Programs Team

Alizabeth Calder

Research Adjunct Advisor

Penny Madsen

Senior Research Director, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Dave McCarthy

Research Vice President, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Dr. Ron Babin

Adjunct Research Advisor

Cora Carmody

Adjunct Research Advisor

David Weldon

Research Adjunct Advisor

Mary Johnston Turner

Research Vice President, Future of Digital Infrastructure, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By:  Alizabeth Calder Loading

    本IDC看法是有关未来IT能力的五个系列文档中的一个,探讨了构成无处不在的可视化和覆盖(数字化基础设施的基础)的重要能力——IT产品和服务能力。本研究列出了企业各层级(领导层、管理层和员工)关键数字化基础设施技能构建的能力发展路线图,阐述了当前、近期和未来要做的各项任务。这一路线图可以帮助IT领导者在企业内部构建有效和富有韧性的数字化基础设施。IDC CIO/CXO信息科技智库服务助理分析师Alizabeth Calder表示:"随着企业对无处不在的数字环境的响应,数字化基础...
  • By: 

    • Chris Drake Loading
    • Ryan Caskey Loading
    • Rory Duncan
    • Penny Madsen Loading
    • Sean Riley
    This IDC Survey Spotlight looks at the extent to which data sovereignty and industry compliance considerations are influencing and impacting IT operations and procurement decisions among cloud buyers. It includes data from IDC's Cloud Pulse...
  • By: 

    • Alizabeth Calder Loading
    • Arnal Dayaratna Loading
    This IDC PlanScape explores the factors that help assess whether or when leveraging low-code capabilities can make sense, identifying four key questions as conditions for success:Has the business problem been solved using pro-code tools?Are...
  • By: 

    • Ryan Caskey Loading
    • Chris Drake Loading
    • Rory Duncan
    • Penny Madsen Loading
    • Sean Riley
    This IDC Survey Spotlight looks at the ways in which IT buyers are using data and analytics tools to create new business models, products, and services. It includes data from IDC's 3Q22 Cloud Pulse survey. Survey respondents include cloud b...
  • By: 

    • Alizabeth Calder Loading
    • Serge Findling
    This IDC Perspective provides practical insight and actionable methods for creating a high-value, three-year AI/automation road map. AI-powered services are improving workforce productivity, reducing operating costs, improving operational c...
  • By:  Dr. Ron Babin Loading

  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Meredith Whalen Loading
    • Mickey North Rizza Loading
    • Lara Greden Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    This IDC Survey examines the 2023 cloud budget outlook. IDC's Global Technology Thought Leadership group conducts a monthly survey (IDC's Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey) to understand how IT and business leaders in enterpr...
  • By: 

    • Carol Sliwa Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    Microsoft Corp. purchased Fungible Inc., a developer of function-offload accelerators (also called data processing units or DPUs), to help bolster the scale, performance, and efficiency of its datacenter infrastructure. The acquisition shou...
  • By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading

    This IDC Survey highlights selected results from IDC's worldwide Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey, Wave 10, conducted in October/November 2022. IDC asked 824 IT and LOB decision makers in North America, Asia/Pacific, and Eur...
  • By: 

    • Stephen Elliot Loading
    • Phil Goodwin Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    This IDC Web Conference presents a discussion of IDC's 2023 predictions for the worldwide future of digital infrastructure market. Digital infrastructure — spanning datacenters, public clouds, and edge — provides the core underpinning for d...

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