IT Executive Programs Adjunct Analysts Team

Alizabeth Calder

Research Adjunct Advisor

Robert Multhaup

Adjunct Research Advisor

Thom Rubel

Adjunct Research Advisor

Dr. Ron Babin

Adjunct Research Advisor

Cora Carmody

Adjunct Research Advisor

David Weldon

Research Adjunct Advisor

New Research

  • By:  Alizabeth Calder Loading

    This IDC Perspective provides a high-level guide for developing a communication strategy that will roll up, and cascade down, for effective and aligned comprehension and engagement from the board to the front line. By framing the key messag...
  • By:  Cora Carmody Loading

    This IDC PlanScape discusses the future IT with the practices of security resource optimization."CIOs must lead their enterprises to exercise common sense and all due caution in regarding the potential risks to profitability, reputation, cu...
  • By: 

    • Alizabeth Calder Loading
    • Serge Findling
  • By: 

    • David Weldon Loading
    • Ryan O’Leary Loading
    本IDC PeerScape将讨论制定成功的数据隐私战略的最佳实践。"领先的企业都认识到,强大的数据隐私战略是一种竞争优势,"IDC CIO/CXO信息科技智库服务助理研究顾问David Weldon表示。"这些企业培养了视数据隐私为重要资产的文化。技术实践和政策固然是制定强大数据隐私计划的基础,但赢得客户信任才是制定此计划的基石。"
  • By:  Robert Multhaup Loading

    本IDC PeerScape将展示四家最早采用VSM的企业的IT领导者和创新者的经验和最佳实践,现在他们已经将VSM打造成为了业务改进计划的关键工具。这些最佳实践的主题分别是:发现、定义并差异化具有最大业务价值的价值流召开CXO团队碰头会,围绕端到端价值流产品/服务重调业务 构建IT产品和服务,持续交付与价值流相关的能力 "IT通过为客户提供数字产品和服务创造业务价值;这是他们的工作,即使没有人管也会这么做。价值流管理提供了一种管理框架,在该框架下,将转向一种以产品为导向的业...
  • By:  David Weldon Loading

    This IDC PeerScape discusses how CIOs at three leading organizations embraced the need for change and communicated their vision to others to obtain their support."Accomplishing significant change often requires a change in culture," says Da...
  • By:  Dr. Ron Babin Loading

    This IDC Perspective discusses the importance of strategy in IT sourcing and procurement in a digital world. Sourcing and procurement of IT products and services have become a strategic requirement in the digital era. A collaborative workin...
  • By:  Alizabeth Calder Loading

  • By:  Alizabeth Calder Loading

    本IDC看法是一篇首席信息官未来连接指南,在从“抗疫”时代转向稳定的新常态后,首席信息官要打造未来连接,确保员工能从任何设备随时随地访问一切所需,在这个过程中,将面临艰巨挑战。IT部门必须支持强大而韧性的能力,并淘汰多样化互联生态系统上的所有传统业务模式。IDC CIO/CXO 信息科技智库服务助理研究顾问Alizabeth Calder表示:“未来连接是这样一种框架:管理所有动态数据及其对连接的使用,实现无处不在的数字体验、业务连续性、随时随地可扩展访问和实时洞察等业务成果...
  • By:  Robert Multhaup Loading

    This IDC PeerScape discusses the strategies and best practices of four CIOs and senior IT leaders who are preparing their organizations to confront the business vagaries of 2023. "2023 will test how agile and resilient IT and the business c...

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