Thought Leadership Team

Matthew Eastwood

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Infrastructure, Cloud, Telecom, Security, Developers, Channels and Enabling Technology

Meredith Whalen

Chief Research Officer, IDC

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By:  Meredith Whalen Loading

    This IDC planning guide helps technology executives to develop priorities, programs and use cases that support the digital mission. A successful digital transformation requires a strategy and roadmap based on real expectations. Based on a w...
  • By:  Meredith Whalen Loading

    This IDC planning guide will help digital leaders learn the best ways to create and manage a communications strategy that draws stakeholder support, empowers IT staff, and messages goals and KPIs to the widest audience. The Transformation L...
  • By:  Meredith Whalen Loading

    This IDC planning guide for technology executives outlines initial change management strategies for those early on in a digital transformation. It offers a step-by-step guide to the early transformation process, including choosing a change ...
  • By:  Meredith Whalen Loading

    This IDC planning guide outlines tactics for attracting and cultivating the digital talent necessary for the future of work. The module includes exercises for determining an organization's digital talent requirements, assessing current tale...

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