target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Nov 2021 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # AP47213621

IDC PeerScape: Manufacturing Practices to Successfully Deploy Cloud-Enabled Enterprise Resource Planning Applications in Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan)


  • Sampath Kumar Venkataswamy
  • Stephanie Krishnan Loading


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This IDC PeerScape describes three practices that organizations should adopt to leverage the benefits associated with successful and large-scale cloud based ERP migrations. Together, these practices allow manufacturers to prioritize use cases and allow seamless data integration for an improved value chain and organizational efficiency and visibility. This document evaluates these approaches and presents examples of organizations that have successfully used these practices to deliver tangible business benefits.

"The choice of the right ERP implementation partner is crucial to ensure that the manufacturers achieve significant benefits around improved process visibility and operational resilience," says Sampath Kumar Venkataswamy, senior research manager, IDC Asia/Pacific Manufacturing Insights. "Instances of failed or suboptimal implementation drives have primarily been associated with the lack of functional requirement alignments, budget overruns, and the presence of an ecosystem player that can double up as a long-term strategy partner."


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