target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2022 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # AP48624122

IDC PlanScape: Distributed Computing Needs in Manufacturing


  • Wai Yee Lee Loading
  • Sampath Kumar Venkataswamy


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This IDC PlanScape discusses the benefits of distributed computing in addressing the challenges faced by manufacturers. The elements of the distributed computing and adoption strategy are highlighted in this document, giving technology buyers an in-depth perspective on the advantages of the distributed computing system architecture in manufacturers' business operations. Production examples of use case applications in various functional areas within manufacturing organizations are discussed, providing decision makers an insight into possible business outcomes from digital infrastructure investments.

"The proliferation of connected devices and industrial automation generates a data-intensive environment in manufacturing organizations. Cross-production collaboration with multiple sites is necessary to serve the dynamic market and customer demand. Organizations need to transition and transform their digital infrastructure into a reliable, agile, and high-performance computing system to drive operational efficiency and increase customer satisfaction," says Wai Yee Lee, research manager, IDC Asia/Pacific Manufacturing Insights.


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