target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # AP50325023

Asia/Pacific Greater China 2021–2022 Carrier Capex Spending Analysis and 2023–2027 Forecast


  • Khairil Anwar Rahmat
  • Bill Rojas


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This IDC Market Forecast analyzes network equipment spending and total capex, including Asia/Pacific's nonequipment structures and facilities in both fixed line and mobile networks.

"The telecommunication capex spending trend in PRC, Taiwan, and Hong Kong is expected to slow down in the coming years. This is because of the completion of most of the new 5G infrastructure deployment and the economic slowdown in the region. Additionally, there is a saturation of the mobile market that slows down the investment in radio access network (RAN) and the rise of virtualization in the 5G network deployment. However, fixed capex is expected to grow because of the adoption of new technologies such as XGS passive optical network (PON) for any haul. The telecom operators in the region are also focusing on improving energy efficiency in their networks. This is being done by deploying more efficient equipment and by using virtualization techniques. Other important areas for operators to focus on are the industrial 5G services across multiple industries including manufacturing, utilities, retail, and transportation," says Khairil Anwar, senior research manager, IDC Asia/Pacific.


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