target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2023 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # AP50370523

Generative AI: Exploring Trends and Use Cases Across Asia/Pacific Supply Chains

By:  Stephanie Krishnan Loading


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This IDC Technology Buyer Presentation explores the growing significance of generative AI, a subset of AI that utilizes unsupervised machine learning algorithms to create new content from vast amounts of data. Industries such as supply chain management, transportation and logistics, retail, and manufacturing are embracing generative AI due to its ability to automate tasks, enhance efficiency, and provide valuable insights. However, challenges related to data quality, ethical considerations, and copyright issues need to be addressed.

"The advancements in generative AI are revolutionizing the way industries operate, offering exciting prospects for increased efficiency, automation, and personalized experiences," said Stephanie Krishnan, associate vice president, Manufacturing, Retail, and Energy Insights at IDC. "As organizations embrace this transformative technology, a proactive approach in understanding the ethical implications and investing in skilled talent will shape a future where generative AI becomes an integral part of everyday operations," she said.


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