target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # AP51586824

IDC PlanScape: Digital Assistants for Business Automation in Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan)

By:  Lily Phan Loading


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The research content discusses the importance of digital assistants in business automation, particularly in the Asia/Pacific region. It highlights how these AI-powered tools enhance efficiency, customer experience, and decision-making while aligning with business objectives. The content also provides case studies of successful implementation of digital assistant, outlines the roles of key stakeholders in the procurement process, and offers a step-by-step guide for organizations to leverage digital assistants. It concludes with advice for technology buyers on successful adoption and implementation.

"Digital assistants are not just a fleeting trend; they represent a transformative technology that can revolutionize the way organizations operate and engage with their customers," says Dr. Lily Phan, research director, Intelligent Automation, IDC Asia/Pacific. "The promise of generative AI holds the potential to immensely improve digital assistants, transforming them into more intuitive, context-aware, and human-like interfaces that can significantly enhance user experiences and decision-making processes."


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