target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jan 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # CA50035123

How Will Spending on PaaS Application Platforms Change in 2023?


  • Brijesh Kumar
  • Lara Greden Loading


  • 2 slides

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This IDC Survey Spotlight seeks to help identify how spending on, and thus revenue expectations for, cloud PaaS application platforms may alter in 2023, given the ongoing macroeconomic climate. The survey captured organizations' spending plans on PaaS application platform services, including serverless, managed Kubernetes, and container orchestration. The analysis provides a segmentation of spending plans by company size.

Approximately, 60% of companies with 1,000-19,999 employees are planning to increase spending on PaaS application platforms compared with 2022. This trend indicates confidence in the market backed by the core position that PaaS technologies play in digital-first and cloud-first strategies for organizations. However, the data also shows what segments are at most risk for spending decreases. IDC expects tech leaders to take measures to align spending with current business and economic conditions.

This document highlights data from IDC's December 2022 Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey.


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