target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # CA51244323

Adoption of GenAI in Canada, 3Q23

By:  Nigel Wallis Loading


  • 49 slides

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This IDC Survey outlines the state of generative AI (GenAI) adoption by medium-sized and large Canadian organizations. The presentation segments the findings by industry and GenAI maturity. GenAI has captured the imagination of business leaders and IT decision makers around the world. It is important for both Canadian organizations and technology vendors to understand how quickly GenAI is being adopted. The GenAI market is evolving more rapidly than past tech innovations — and as a result, IDC has surveyed on this topic multiple times in the past 12 months.

Topics include adoption, business objectives, inhibitors, deployment models, use cases, and tasks with highest promise and likely impact on jobs. The presentation's findings can be used to hone go-to-market planning, marketing, communications, and sales.


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