target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # EUR151101224

EMEA Server Forecast, 2023–2028: Years of Steady Growth Expected After the Storm


  • Andrew Buss Loading
  • Luis Fernandes Loading
  • Shahin Hashim Loading


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This IDC Market Forecast provides historical data (2022–2023) and forecast data (2024–2028) for the EMEA server market. Forecast and historical data illustrate IT buyer consumption of server hardware segmented by product, central processing unit (CPU) type, server class, socket capability, and primary operating system. IDC has estimated value (end-user spending) and units for each category.

"The EMEA region had a particularly difficult year in 2023 as it continued to weather the storm created in 2022. We expect fairer winds to blow toward the end of 2024 and beyond, with more accelerated servers deployed and most enterprises having refocused their spending." — Senior Research Manager Luis Fernandes, Future of Digital Infrastructure, IDC EMEA


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