target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # EUR151524424

Western Europe Managed Print and Document Services and Basic Print Services Market Shares, 2023: Evolving Demands Promote Growth

By:  Sharon McNee Loading


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This IDC Market Share provides Western European data for the managed print and document services and basic print services markets for calendar years 2022 and 2023. It updates Western Europe Managed Print and Document Services and Basic Print Services Market Shares, 2022: SMB Demand Powers Market Growth (IDC #EUR150260523, August 2023).

"IT and print modernization is forcing a reboot of print procurement and management in the organization," said Sharon McNee, research manager, IDC Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions. "As customers demand supporting flexible work practices, issues such as cloud, security, collaboration, and user experience will drive innovation throughout the entire print services ecosystem." MPDS and BPS contracts predicated on work locations, the number and type of devices, user count, and page volumes must be redrawn to reflect the impact of the cloud, evolving ways of working, and the decreasing importance of print in the communications pie. Work with your client base to assess their status quo, provide an audit based on their changing printing needs, and help them to build a print infrastructure that harnesses the benefits of document digitization and automation"


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