target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR152304524

AI and Sustainability: A European View


  • Angela Salmeron Loading
  • Matija Misic Loading


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This IDC Perspective explores the interplay between sustainability and AI in the context of the European regulatory environment. It explores the sustainability of AI through the lens of the EU AI Act. It also looks at AI for sustainability through the standards underpinning the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Alignment with both regulations is necessary for organizations to truly assess the sustainability of their AI systems.

"AI has the potential to contribute to many of the UN Sustainability Development Goals. However, companies must ensure their AI systems are inherently sustainable," said to Angela Salmeron, research director, IDC's EMEA Sustainable Strategies and Technologies. "AI systems should include a sustainable impact (AI for Sustainability) as well as undergo a risk assessment (the sustainability of AI)."


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