target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # EUR152359824

Worldwide CDN Provider Market Shares, 2023: Vendors Strengthen Their Differentiation Play at the Edge


  • Melissa Holtz-Fremeijer Loading
  • Ghassan Abdo Loading


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This IDC Market Share report provides the 2023 shares of worldwide commercial CDN vendors. The document covers the market shares of key CDN providers and an "others" category. It includes information about revenues for key segments in the CDN market that include over-the-top (OTT) video, web, email and data; online gaming; file sharing; security services; and edge computing. The document reviews the main structural changes underway in the market and assesses how key players have benefited (or failed to benefit) from these changes. It also offers short-term and midterm guidance for vendors.

"The CDN market is at inflection point, reflecting a shift in the portfolio from reliance on low-margin video streaming revenue toward security and edge services," said Melissa Holtz-Fremeijer, senior research manager, IDC's European Enterprise Infrastructure and Communications. "CDN leadership will favor providers that accelerate this shift to these growth areas."


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