target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # EUR252394724

How Big and Imminent Is the Opportunity of Refurbished and Remanufactured Printing Devices in Europe?

By:  Mitri Roufka Loading


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This report is a summary of select topics from IDC's extensive multi-client study (MCS), "Europe Remanufactured and Refurbished Printing Devices, and Remanufactured Cartridges," completed in May 2024. The MCS uncovered end users' perceptions, attitudes, and acquisition plans for refurbished and remanufactured office printing equipment. It also identified the satisfaction levels with such devices, the motivators driving device acquisition, and the types of devices sought out by end users. The study is based on large end-user survey (of 1,200 organizations across the public and private sectors) and complemented by in-depth interviews with channels/dealers that refurbish print equipment in Europe. The MCS also includes a 2023 market sizing of refurbished and remanufactured printing devices in Europe and identifies the most popular types of devices and brands.


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