IDC Manufacturing Insights: China Manufacturing Digital Strategies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Zhenshan Zhong
Zhenshan Zhong

Vice President, Emerging Technology Research


This service develops unique analysis and comprehensive data through IDC Manufacturing Insights' proprietary research projects, along with ongoing communications with industry experts, manufacturing CIOs, line-of-business executives, and information and communication technology product and service vendors. To ensure relevance throughout the year, IDC Manufacturing Insights' analysts will work with subscribers to identify and prioritize topics to be covered in the research studies. Our analysts are also available to provide personalized advice for manufacturing executives and ICT vendors to help them make better-informed decisions.

Topics Addressed

Throughout the year, this service will address the following topics:

  • Best practices on the use of IT and emerging digital technologies to generate revenue, increase efficiencies, reduce costs, gain competitive advantage, and ensure regulatory compliance
  • Analysis of China industrial software markets
  • Deep dive on China's Industrial Internet initiative include vendor analysis and key use cases
  • Key market trends and challenges facing the manufacturing business
  • China's manufacturing IT spending and purchasing patterns by country, solution, and subindustry

Key Questions Answered

Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success:

  1. What are the latest trends in manufacturing execution systems applications?
  2. What are the latest trends in Industrial Internet platforms?
  3. Who are the leading or emerging systems integrators and consulting firms for the manufacturing industry?
  4. What are the best practices and benchmarks for IT investment by the manufacturing industry?
  5. What are the impacts of China's new infrastructure initiatives on the manufacturing industry?

Who Should Subscribe

IDC Manufacturing Insights: China Manufacturing Digital Strategies research advisory service is ideally suited to support the needs of manufacturing CIOs, senior IT managers, and line-of-business executives. Technology product managers and marketers who support the manufacturing industry will also benefit from timely research findings and analysis from this study series. Software vendors and IT service providers can benefit from the research on where the industry is headed and plan their investments and road map accordingly.