European eSignature

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Photo of Jacqui Hendriks
Jacqui Hendriks

Associate Research Director, European Print Vendor Transformation Strategies

eSignature software solutions issue a signed and encrypted document from a sender, transport it via a secure communications channel, present it to the signer(s), record the signer's actions, re-encrypt the document, and return it to the originator via secure communications.

IDC's European eSignature focuses on European esignature market dynamics, end-user insights, market players, and market outlook. The service is designed to help esignature market players, trust service providers, content management software and service providers, and partners better understand workflow automation drivers and changing market dynamics — including legislation, new market opportunities, and competitive landscape — in a fragmented European market.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • eSignature competitive landscape
  • eSignature market trends
  • eSignature end-user insights
  • eSignature market outlook

Core Research

  • European eSignature Overview Market Perspective
  • European eSignature Outlook
  • European eSignature End-User Insights Survey
  • European eSignature Competitive Landscape

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. How fast is the European esignature market growing? What are the drivers and inhibitors?
  2. Who are the main players in major European esignature markets, and what are their market approaches?
  3. How rapidly are different company sizes and industries adopting esignature and for which specific processes?
  4. How are European esignature market players developing solutions related to esignature?
  5. How does local and EU legislation impact esignature adoption, and how is it expected to develop?