MDR and Managed Security Services

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Craig Robinson
Craig Robinson

Research Vice President , Security Services

The MDR and Managed Security Services program analyzes MDR and key adjacent managed security service capabilities of the various providers that offer up these fast growing and urgently needed services. Providers in this market include members of the Big 4, global and regional systems integrators, managed services providers (MSPs) that offer up their own managed security offerings to become managed security service providers (MSSPs), pure-play security technology providers, telcos, and cloud service providers.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Detailed analysis of the managed detection and response services (MDR)
  • Managed extended detection and response services (MXDR)
  • Other managed security services including managed cloud workload protection and managed digital identity (IAM/IGA/PAM) services

Core Research

  • IDC MarketScape: MDR
  • MDR and Managed Security Services Market Share
  • MDR and Managed Security Services Market Forecast
  • Market Glance: MDR and Managed Security Services
  • IDC TechScape: MDR/MXDR
  • MDR and Managed Security Services Survey

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the key trends emerging within the managed security services market, and how will the market grow in the near future?
  2. What are the managed services growth areas?
  3. What are the requirements to gain share in these markets?
  4. Who are the leading MDR/MXDR vendors?
  5. What do security services prospects look for in selecting a managed detection and response vendor?

Companies Covered