Cybersecurity Consulting and Professional Security Services

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Cathy Huang
Cathy Huang

Research Director, Security Services Worldwide

This Cybersecurity Consulting and Professional Security Services program analyzes the security consulting vendors and cybersecurity consulting and professional security services of all security services vendors, including managed security service providers, telecom providers, global system integrators, and specialized security consulting vendors. Consulting, incident readiness and response, implementation and integration, and cybersecurity training are some of the key markets researched.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Analysis and clarification of the security services offerings that organizations use to protect their IT and OT environments
  • On premises, cloud, edge, hybrid cloud, multicloud environments

Core Research

  • IDC PeerScape: AI-Powered Cyber-Resilience Services
  • IDC MarketScape: Cloud Security Services in the AI Era
  • IDC Marketscape: Worldwide Incident Response
  • Worldwide Cybersecurity Consutling and Professional Security Services Market Forecast, 2025–2029
  • Market Analysis Perspective: Professional Security Services

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the key trends emerging within the professional security services market, and how will the market grow in the near future?
  2. What are the professional security services growth areas?
  3. What are the opportunities for emerging security services?
  4. What are the requirements to gain share in these markets?
  5. What do tech buyers look for in selecting a professional security service vendor?