target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Apr 2021 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US47571221

Creating and Deploying Conversational Artificial Intelligence Interfaces


  • David Schubmehl Loading
  • Hayley Sutherland Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides an overview on conversational AI interfaces and the platforms used to build these interfaces as well as guidance for organizations considering these tools.

"Conversational interfaces are being increasingly used by many types of organizations in a wide variety of use cases, both external and internally facing including automated customer support, digital sales agents, IT service desk support, and human resources assistance," says David Schubmehl, research director, Conversational AI at IDC. "Organizations are undertaking projects developing conversational interfaces based on the use of a wide array of technology and vendors supporting this broadening area of artificial intelligence. We expect this to be a rapidly expanding area for both enterprise and commercial development as organizations learn to use these technologies effectively to augment and improve knowledge work, customer service, sales, and even advisory services for employees."


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